Poetry is a mirror which makes beautiful that which is distorted

Percy Bysshe Shelley

#distortion #poetry #beauty

Quote by Percy Bysshe Shelley

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About Percy Bysshe Shelley

Percy Bysshe Shelley Quotes

Did you know about Percy Bysshe Shelley?

Henry David Thoreau's civil disobedience was apparently influenced by Shelley's non-violence in protest and political action. Their son Timothy Shelley of Fen Place (born c. "


On 8 July 1822 less than a month before his 30th birthday Shelley drowned in a sudden storm while sailing back from Leghorn (Livorno) to Lerici in his schooner Don Juan.

Yeats Karl Marx Upton Sinclair and Isadora Duncan. Shelley became an idol of the next three or four generations of poets including important Victorian and Pre-Raphaelite poets such as Robert Browning and Dante Gabriel Rosetti. Though Shelley's poetry and prose output remained steady throughout his life most publiPercy Bysshe Shelleyrs and journals declined to publish his work for fear of being arrested themselves for blasphemy or sedition.