I did not run to him, but I did wrap my arms around him, press my ear to his chest, hold on to him as if he were the last solid thing in the world. He stroked my hair and murmured to me in French. I understood enough to know he was glad to see me and that he thought I looked beautiful. But beyond that it was just pretty noise. It wasn't until I felt Zerbrowski behind me that I pulled away, but when Jean-Claude's hand found mine, I welcomed it. Zerbrowski was looking at me as if he'd never seen me before. "What?" It came out hostile. "I've never seen you be that ... soft with anyone before." It startled me. "You've seen me kiss Richard before." He nodded. "That was lust. This is ..." He shook his head, glancing up at Jean-Claude, then back to me. "He makes you feel safe.

Laurell K. Hamilton

#jean-claude #beauty

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About Laurell K. Hamilton

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Louis where vampires and were animals exist and recently gained some rights as citizens. Hamilton currently lives in St.

She is best known as the author of two series of stories. Her Merry Gentry series centers on Meredith Gentry Princess of the Unseelie court of Faerie a private detective facing repeated assassination attempts.