I lost myself immediately in one of the books, only emerging when the phone rang.
“Dashiell?” my father intoned. As if someone else with my voice might be answering the phone at my mother’s apartment.
“Yes, Father?”
“Leeza and I would like to wish you a merry Christmas.”
“Thank you, Father. And to you, as well.”
[awkward pause]
[even more awkward pause]
“I hope your mother isn’t giving you any trouble.”
Oh, Father, I love it when you play this game.
“She told me if I clean all the ashes out of the grate, then I’ll be able to help my sisters get ready for the ball.”
“It’s Christmas, Dashiell. Can’t you give that attitude a rest?”
“Merry Christmas, Dad. And thanks for the presents.”
“What presents?”
“I’m sorry—those were all from Mom, weren’t they?”
“Dashiell …”
“I gotta go. The gingerbread men are on