We are rapidly entering the age of no privacy, where everyone is open to surveillance at all times; where there are no secrets from government." [Dissenting, Osborn v. United States, 385 U.S. 323, 341 (1966)]

William O. Douglas

#freedom #government #privacy #surveillance #age

Quote by William O. Douglas

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About William O. Douglas

William O. Douglas Quotes

Did you know about William O. Douglas?

His family moved to California and then to Cleveland Washington. Moreover he was called on for similar projects and had saved $1000 by semester's end. He was the 79th person appointed and confirmed to the bench of that court.

William Orville Douglas (October 16 1898 – January 19 1980) served as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. He was the 79th person appointed and confirmed to the bench of that court.