Read through all quotes from Jimmy Wales
Wales was quoted by The Boston Globe as calling Sanger’s claim "preposterous" in February 2006 and called "the whole debate silly" in an April 2009 interview. Writer Rogers Cadenhead drew attention to logs showing that in his edits to the page Wales had removed. " Sanger worked on and promoted both the Nupedia and Wikipedia projects until Bomis discontinued funding for his position in February 2002; Sanger resigned as editor-in-chief of Nupedia and as "chief organizer" of Wikipedia on March 1 of that year.
Jimmy Donal "Jimbo" Wales (pron. The company would provide the initial funding for the peer-reviewed free encyclopedia Nupedia (2000–03) and its successor Wikipedia. In 1996 he and two partners founded Bomis a male-oriented web portal featuring entertainment and adult content.