Our plants had now increased to 252: as they were all kept on shore at the tent I augmented the guard there, though from the general conduct of the natives there did not appear the least occasion for so much caution.

William Bligh

#augmented #caution #conduct #did #general

Quote by William Bligh

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About William Bligh

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Did you know about William Bligh?

The mutiny
Since it was rated only as a cutter the Bounty had no officers other than Bligh himself (who was then only a lieutenant) a very small crew and no Marines to provide protection from hostile natives during stops or enforce security on board ship. Shortly thereafter A Narrative of the Mutiny on board His Majesty's Ship "Bounty" was publiWilliam Blighd.

A historic mutiny occurred during his command of HMS Bounty in 1789; Bligh and his loyal men made a remarkable voyage to Timor after being set adrift in the Bounty's launch by the mutineers. Fifteen years after the Bounty mutiny he was appointed Governor of New South Wales in Australia with orders to clean up the corrupt rum trade of the New South Wales Corps resulting in the so-called Rum Rebellion.