Have I said dumb things? Absolutely, who hasn't? But I have never backed away from being called out on something I did or said wrong.

Curt Schilling

#away #backed #being #called #did

Quote by Curt Schilling

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About Curt Schilling

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Conflicts with players
Schilling is known for being outspoken and this has resulted in several conflicts with fellow players. Schilling periodically contributes on the ESPN Boston website answering fan questions about the Red Sox or baseball in general. Schilling retired with a career postseason record of 11–2.

The company released Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning in February 2012 but just three months later Schilling laid off his entire staff amid severe financial troubles that resulted in the company missing payroll the previous week. Schilling retired with a career postseason record of 11–2.