Today, we realize there are those actively seeking to harm us, to destroy our infrastructure and take lives.

Dave Reichert

#destroy #harm #infrastructure #lives #our

Quote by Dave Reichert

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About Dave Reichert

Dave Reichert Quotes

Did you know about Dave Reichert?

Both the Budget Control Act of 2011 and Cut Cap and Balance Act required Congress to pass a balanced-budget amendment to facilitate raising the United States' debt ceiling. In September 2005 he was appointed chairman for the Subcommittee on Emergency Preparedness Science and Technology a subcommittee within the Homeland Security Committee. 111th Congress

Committee assignments
Committee on Ways and MeansSubcommittee on Trade
Subcommittee on Oversight
Subcommittee on Social Security

Reichert voted against the stimulus and healthcare reform bills.

Representative for Washington's 8th congressional district serving since 2005. S. David George "Dave" Reichert (pron.