Read through all quotes from David Petraeus
Kelley a Florida socialite who frequently entertained senior military personnel at her and her husband's Tampa mansion had approached an acquaintance who worked for the FBI Tampa Field Office in the late spring with regard to anonymous emails David Petraeus considered threatening. During the assumption of command remarks Petraeus provided his vision and goals to NATO the members of his command and his Afghan partners. The change of command was prompted by McChrystal's comments about the Obama administration and its policies in Afghanistan during an interview with Rolling Stone magazine.
On March 28 2013 Petraeus joined the American Corporate Partners (ACP) a national nonprofit organization that connects post-9/11 veterans to business professionals for career guidance. He subsequently earned an M. On November 9 2012 General Petraeus resigned from his position as Director of the CIA citing his extramarital affair which was reportedly discovered in the course of an FBI investigation.