The hypothesis may be put forward, to be tested by the s subsequent investigation, that this development has been in large part a matter of the reciprocal interaction of new factual insights and knowledge on the one hand with changes in the theoretical system on the other.

Talcott Parsons

#changes #development #factual #forward #hand

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Houdton: Cap and Gown Press 1987. Sutton The Radical Marxist. D.

Parsons analyzed the work of Émile Durkheim and Vilfredo Pareto and evaluated their contributions through the paradigm of voluntaristic action. For Parsons "structural functionalism" was a particular stage in the methodological development of the social science and "functionalism" was a universal method; neither term was a name for any specific school. Parsons was also largely responsible for introducing and interpreting Max Weber's work to American audiences.