To paint comic books as childish and illiterate is lazy. A lot of comic books are very literate - unlike most films.

Alan Moore

#childish #comic #comic books #films #illiterate

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Did you know about Alan Moore?

Pancras Panda a parody of Paddington Bear for the Oxford-based Back Street Bugle. Alan Moore (born 18 November 1953) is an English writer primarily known for his work in comic books a medium where he has produced series including Watchmen V for Vendetta and From Hell. Moore along with artists Stephen R.

Moore has also been referenced in popular culture and has been recognised as an influence on a variety of literary and television figures including Neil GaimanJoss Whedon and Damon Lindelof. Moore is an occultist ceremonial magician and anarchist and has featured such themes in works including Promethea From Hell and V for Vendetta as well as performing avant-garde spoken word occult "workings" with The Moon and Serpent Grand Egyptian Theatre of Marvels some of which have been released on CD.