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Read through all quotes from Barbara Mikulski
Having won reelection in 2010 Barbara Mikulski has surpassed Margaret Chase Smith as the longest-serving female senator. Mikulski has opposed predatory lending and has had been an outspoken opponent of Fairbanks Capital (now Select Portfolio Servicing) alleged to have illegally foreclosed on over 100 homes in Maryland. Early life education and career
The great-granddaughter of Polish immigrants who owned a local bakery Barbara Mikulski is the oldest of three daughters of Christine Eleanor (née Kutz) and William Mikulski.
Congress having served since 1977. Mikulski is chairwoman of the Health Subcommittee on Primary Health and Aging and Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce Justice Science and Related Agencies and is a member of the Select Committee on Intelligence. Mikulski became chair of the Appropriations Committee following the death of Senator Daniel Inouye.