It would be wonderful if the public sector were always great, or always terrible; or if the private sector were always great, or always terrible. Alas, reality is more complicated than comforting caricatures. Governments fail, and corporations fail.

Jon Meacham

#always #caricatures #comforting #complicated #corporations

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About Jon Meacham

Did you know about Jon Meacham?

New York: Random House. Affiliations
A contributing editor of The Washington Monthly Meacham is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He received an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters from the Berkeley Divinity School at Yale University in 2005 and holds five other honorary doctorates.

He is also a Pulitzer Prize-winning author. He is a former editor-in-chief of Newsweek a contributing editor to Time Magazine editor-at-large of WNET and a commentator on politics history and religious faith in America.