Read through all quotes from Alan Lakein
Alan Lakein How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life (1973 New American Library New York; ISBN 0-451-13430-3)
Alan Lakein Give Me a Moment and I'll Change Your Life: Tools for Moment Management (1997 Andrews & McMeel Kansas City MO; ISBN 0-8362-3591-6). Alan Lakein is a well-known author on personal time management including How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life which has sold over 3 million copies. The book’s main point was the necessity of listing short- medium- and long-term life goals then categorizing them in order of their importance with the A group being the most important the B group next and the C the last then listing under each goal specific activities designed to achieve them.
Former U. I wanted to be a good man have a good marriage and children have good friends make a successful political life and write a great book. President Bill Clinton started his new autobiography "My Life" with a reference to the book:
"When I was a young man just out of law school and eager to get on with my life on a whim I briefly put aside my reading preference for fiction and history and bought one of those how-to books: How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life by Alan Lakein.