Kevin Costner has feathers in his hair and feathers in his head. The Indians should have called him 'Plays with Camera.'

Pauline Kael

#camera #costner #feathers #hair #head

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About Pauline Kael

Did you know about Pauline Kael?

The career of Pauline Kael is discussed at length in For the Love of Movies: The Story of American Film Criticism by critics whom Pauline Kael helped with their careers such as Owen Gleiberman and Elvis Mitchell as well as by those who fought with her such as Andrew Sarris.   Reviews Mrs. Going mass market
Kael continued to juggle writing with other work until Pauline Kael received an offer to publish a book of her criticism.

She re-invented the form and pioneered an entire aesthetic of writing. Kael was known for her "witty biting highly opinionated and sharply focused" reviews her opinions often contrary to those of her contemporaries. "Owen Gleiberman said Pauline Kael "was more than a great critic.