These are strange times. Reason, which once combatted faith and seemed to have conquered it, now has to look to faith to save it from dissolution.

Johan Huizinga

#dissolution #faith #look #now #once

Quote by Johan Huizinga

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About Johan Huizinga

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Did you know about Johan Huizinga?

Huizinga's son Leonhard Huizinga became a well-known writer in the Netherlands especially renowned for his series of tongue-in-cheek fiction novels on the Dutch aristocratic twins Adrian and Oliver ("Adriaan en Olivier"). It was not until 1902 that his interest turned towards medieval and Renaissance history. Many similarities can be noted between his analysis and that of contemporary critics such as Ortega y Gasset and Oswald Spengler.

Johan Huizinga (Dutch pronunciation: [ˈjoːɦɑn ˈɦœyzɪŋɣaː]) (Groningen December 7 1872 – De Steeg February 1 1945) was a Dutch historian and one of the founders of modern cultural history.