My fans know the name Larry Holmes and that he always gave it his all.

Larry Holmes

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About Larry Holmes

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In their fight previews Sports Illustrated and Time put Cooney on the cover not Holmes. On October 2 1980 at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas Holmes defended his title against Ali who was coming out of retirement in an attempt to become the first four-time World Heavyweight Champion. Lastly boxing tradition dictates that the champion is introduced last but the challenger Cooney was introduced last.

Holmes retired after losing a rematch to Spinks but made repeated comebacks and was unsuccessful in three further attempts to regain the title the last in 1995. He is frequently ranked as one of the greatest heavyweights of all time and has been inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame and the World Boxing Hall of Fame. He grew up in Easton Pennsylvania which gave birth to his boxing nickname The Easton Assassin.