Tony Benn

Read through the most famous quotes from Tony Benn

Most things in life are moments of pleasure and a lifetime of embarrassment; photography is a moment of embarrassment and a lifetime of pleasure.

— Tony Benn

#life #lifetime #moment #moments #most

A faith is something you die for, a doctrine is something you kill for. There is all the difference in the world.

— Tony Benn

#difference #doctrine #faith #kill #something

All war represents a failure of diplomacy.

— Tony Benn

#failure #represents #war

The Marxist analysis has got nothing to do with what happened in Stalin's Russia: it's like blaming Jesus Christ for the Inquisition in Spain.

— Tony Benn

#blaming #christ #got #happened #inquisition

I am on the right wing of the middle of the road and with a strong radical bias.

— Tony Benn

#bias #i #i am #middle #radical

We are not just here to manage capitalism but to change society and to define its finer values.

— Tony Benn

#change #define #finer #here #just

Britain today is suffering from galloping obsolescence.

— Tony Benn

#galloping #obsolescence #suffering #today

Broadcasting is really too important to be left to the broadcasters.

— Tony Benn

#broadcasting #important #left #really #too

If you file your waste-paper basket for fifty years, you have a public library.

— Tony Benn

#fifty #file #library #public #public library

It's the same each time with progress. First they ignore you, then they say you're mad, then dangerous, then there's a pause and then you can't find anyone who disagrees with you.

— Tony Benn

#dangerous #disagrees #each #find #first

About Tony Benn

Tony Benn Quotes

Did you know about Tony Benn?

Both his grandfathers John Benn (who founded a publishing company) and Daniel Holmes were also Liberal MPs (respectively for Tower Hamlets Devonport and Glasgow Govan). " Since leaving Parliament Benn has become involved in the grass-roots politics of demonstrations and meetings and has been the President of the Stop the War Coalition for the last decade. In the period when the Labour Party was in Opposition for a year he was the Chairman of the Labour Party.

In the Labour Government of 1974–1979 he returned to the Cabinet initially as Secretary of State for Industry before being made Secretary of State for Energy retaining his post when James Callaghan replaced Wilson as Prime Minister. He has been a vegetarian since the 1970s.