Steven Hatfill

Read through the most famous quotes from Steven Hatfill

After reviewing the polygraph charts in private, the polygraph examiner told me that I had passed and that he believed I had nothing to do with the anthrax letters.

— Steven Hatfill

#anthrax #believed #charts #had #i

Anthrax is a deadly inhalational disease.

— Steven Hatfill

#deadly #disease

As a scientist in the field of biological warfare defense, I have never had any reservations whatsoever about helping the anthrax investigation in any way that I could.

— Steven Hatfill

#anthrax #any #biological #could #defense

I am a loyal American, and I love my country.

— Steven Hatfill

#american #country #i #i am #i love

I am extremely proud of my service with the government and my efforts to help safeguard public health and protect our country against the scourge of offensive biological warfare.

— Steven Hatfill

#am #biological #country #efforts #extremely

I especially object to having my character assassinated by reference to events from my past which bear absolutely no relationship to the question of who the anthrax killer is.

— Steven Hatfill

#anthrax #assassinated #bear #character #especially

I have had nothing to do in any way, shape or form with the mailing of these anthrax letters, and it is extremely wrong for anyone to contend or suggest that I have.

— Steven Hatfill

#any #anyone #contend #extremely #form

I was devastated by the loss of my job in March, although I can understand why it occurred.

— Steven Hatfill

#devastated #i #i can #job #loss

I'm a medical doctor and a biomedical scientist.

— Steven Hatfill

#doctor #i #medical #scientist

In fact, I had previously helped train one of the FBI agents who searched my apartment.

— Steven Hatfill

#apartment #fact #fbi #fbi agents #had

About Steven Hatfill

Did you know about Steven Hatfill?

Back in the U. Patrick retired head of the old US bioweapons program (who had also been a mentor of Hatfill) to write a report on the possibilities of terrorist anthrax mailing attacks. On June 18 2002 Dr.

Dr. Hatfill later sued the government for ruining his reputation a case which the government settled for US$5.