Samuel Fuller

Read through the most famous quotes from Samuel Fuller

Being a hooker does not mean being evil. The same with a pick-pocket, or even a thief. You do what you do out of necessity.

— Samuel Fuller

#does #even #evil #mean #necessity

Surviving is the only glory in war.

— Samuel Fuller

#only #surviving #war

We have too many intellectuals who are afraid to use the pistol of common sense.

— Samuel Fuller

#common #common sense #intellectuals #many #pistol

When you're at the end of your rope, all you have to do is make one foot move out in front of the other. Just take the next step. That's all there is to it.

— Samuel Fuller

#foot #front #just #make #move

When you're in the battlefield, survival is all there is. Death is the only great emotion.

— Samuel Fuller

#death #emotion #great #only #survival

You know how you smoke out a sniper? You send a guy out in the open, and you see if he gets shot. They thought that one up at West Point.

— Samuel Fuller

#guy #how #know #open #out

About Samuel Fuller

Samuel Fuller Quotes

Did you know about Samuel Fuller?

After the success of The Steel Helmet Fuller was sought out by the major studios. Directoral filmography
This list of feature films directed by Fuller is believed to be complete. Acting
Fuller made a cameo appearance in Jean-Luc Godard's Pierrot le Fou (1965) where he famously intones: Film is like a battleground.

Samuel Michael Fuller (August 12 1912 – October 30 1997) was an American screenwriter novelist and film director known for low-budget genre movies with controversial themes.