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Sally Rand

Read through the most famous quotes from Sally Rand

I'm the original.

— Sally Rand


I have never retired - I have averaged 40 working weeks a year since 1933.

— Sally Rand

#i #never #retired #since #weeks

I haven't been out of work since the day I took my pants off.

— Sally Rand

#day #haven #i #off #out

I like boys. I am not foreign; I was born and raised in Hickory County, Mo.

— Sally Rand

#born #county #foreign #i #i am

I'm not the type to sit on the porch and watch life go by.

— Sally Rand

#i #life #porch #sit #type

If you love living, you try to take care of the equipment.

— Sally Rand

#equipment #living #love #take #take care

They planned this fair to bring business to Chicago, into the Loop. But you could have fired a cannon down state street and hit nobody, because everybody was out at the fair.

— Sally Rand

#bring #business #cannon #chicago #could

What in heaven's name is strange about a grandmother dancing nude? I'll bet lots of grandmothers do it.

— Sally Rand

#bet #dancing #grandmother #grandmothers #heaven

When I first came out with my fans and the wind hit me, I almost took off.

— Sally Rand

#came #fans #first #hit #i

About Sally Rand

Sally Rand Quotes

Did you know about Sally Rand?

She was also a guest of Robert and Virginia Heinlein at 1976's 34th World Science Fiction Convention held in Kansas City MO where Heinlein was the Guest of Honor. " The routine continues until the bubble is suddenly popped by Harpo Marx and his slingshot with a surprised Rand (her nudity covered by a well-placed wooden barrel) reacting with shock. Career
During the 1920s Sally Rand acted on stage and appeared in silent films.

She also performed under the name Billie Beck.

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