Robert Falcon Scott

Read through the most famous quotes from Robert Falcon Scott

We are very near the end, but have not and will not lose our good cheer.

— Robert Falcon Scott

#end #good #good cheer #lose #near

Every day some new fact comes to light - some new obstacle which threatens the gravest obstruction. I suppose this is the reason which makes the game so well worth playing.

— Robert Falcon Scott

#day #every #every day #fact #game

I can imagine few things more trying to the patience than the long wasted days of waiting.

— Robert Falcon Scott

#few #few things #i #i can #imagine

As one looks across the barren stretches of the pack, it is sometimes difficult to realise what teeming life exists immediately beneath its surface.

— Robert Falcon Scott

#barren #beneath #difficult #exists #immediately

Hunger and fear are the only realities in dog life: an empty stomach makes a fierce dog.

— Robert Falcon Scott

#empty #empty stomach #fear #fierce #hunger

Slowly but surely the sea is freezing over.

— Robert Falcon Scott

#over #sea #slowly #surely

We are showing that Englishmen can still die with a bold spirit, fighting it out to the end.

— Robert Falcon Scott

#die #end #englishmen #fighting #out

But if we have been willing to give our lives to this enterprise, which is for the honour of our country, I appeal to our countrymen to see that those who depend on us are properly cared for.

— Robert Falcon Scott

#been #cared #country #countrymen #depend

But take comfort in that I die at peace with the world and myself - not afraid.

— Robert Falcon Scott

#comfort #die #i #myself #peace

But we have been to the Pole and we shall die like gentlemen. I regret only for the women we leave behind.

— Robert Falcon Scott

#behind #die #gentlemen #i #leave

About Robert Falcon Scott

Robert Falcon Scott Quotes

Did you know about Robert Falcon Scott?

Documents that may have offered explanations are missing from Admiralty records. In 1894 while serving as torpedo officer on the depot ship HMS Vulcan Scott learned of the financial calamity that had overtaken his family. The scientific results of the expedition included important biological zoological and geological findings.

Before his appointment to lead the Discovery Expedition Scott had followed the conventional career of a naval officer in peacetime Victorian Britain where opportunities for career advancement were both limited and keenly sought after by ambitious officers. However having taken this step his name became inseparably associated with the Antarctic the field of work to which he remained committed during the final twelve years of his life. During this second venture Scott led a party of five which reached the South Pole on 17 January 1912 only to find that they had been preceded by Roald Amundsen's Norwegian expedition.