Read through the most famous quotes from Richard Price
I think the definition of an artist is not necessarily tied into excellence or talent; an artist is somebody who, if you took away their freedom to make art, would lose their mind. ↗
The pamphlets on the American War made Price famous. His funeral was conducted at Bunhill Fields and his funeral sermon was preached by Joseph Priestley. In 1778 appeared a publiRichard Priced correspondence between these two liberal theologians on the subjects of materialism and necessity wherein Price maintains in opposition to Priestley the free agency of man and the unity and immateriality of the human soul.
He spent most of his adult life as minister of Newington Green Unitarian Church where possibly the congregant he most influenced was early feminist Mary Wollstonecraft who extended his ideas on the egalitarianism inherent in the spirit of the French Revolution to encompass women's rights as well. Richard Price (23 February 1723 – 19 April 1791) was a British moral philosopher and preacher in the tradition of English Dissenters and a political pamphleteer active in radical republican and liberal causes such as the American Revolution.