Nathaniel Hawthorne

Read through the most famous quotes from Nathaniel Hawthorne

Happiness is like a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp, but, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you.

— Nathaniel Hawthorne

#life-happiness #inspirational

Easy reading is damn hard writing.

— Nathaniel Hawthorne

#easy #easy reading #hard #reading #writing

Death should take me while I am in the mood.

— Nathaniel Hawthorne

#humor #death

No man, for any considerable period, can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which may be the true.

— Nathaniel Hawthorne


She had not known the weight until she felt the freedom.

— Nathaniel Hawthorne


Love, whether newly born or aroused from a deathlike slumber, must always create sunshine, filling the heart so full of radiance, that it overflows upon the outward world.

— Nathaniel Hawthorne


Words - so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in the hands of one who knows how to combine them.

— Nathaniel Hawthorne

#combine #dictionary #evil #good #good and evil

Oh, for the years I have not lived, but only dreamed of living.

— Nathaniel Hawthorne

#living #dreams

Let men tremble to win the hand of woman, unless they win along with it the utmost passion of her heart!

— Nathaniel Hawthorne

#love #marriage #passion #love

Every individual has a place to fill in the world and is important in some respect, whether he chooses to be so or not.

— Nathaniel Hawthorne


About Nathaniel Hawthorne

Nathaniel Hawthorne Quotes

Did you know about Nathaniel Hawthorne?

Suffering from pain in his stomach Hawthorne insisted on a recuperative trip with his friend Franklin Pierce though his neighbor Bronson Alcott was concerned Hawthorne was too ill. Guests that came to speak that season included Emerson Thoreau Louis Agassiz and Theodore Parker. Selected works

Fanshawe (publiNathaniel Hawthorned anonymously 1828)
The Scarlet Letter (1850)
The House of the Seven Gables (1851)
The Blithedale Romance (1852)
The Marble Faun: Or The Romance of Monte Beni (1860) (as Transformation: Or The Romance of Monte Beni UK publication same year)
The Dolliver Romance (1863) (unfiniNathaniel Hawthorned)
Septimius Felton; or the Elixir of Life (PubliNathaniel Hawthorned in the Atlantic Monthly 1872)
Doctor Grimshawe's Secret: A romance (unfiniNathaniel Hawthorned) with Preface and Notes by Julian Hawthorne (1882)

Short story collections
Twice-Told Tales (1837)
Grandfather's Chair (1840)
Mosses from an Old Manse (1846)
The Snow-Image and Other Twice-Told Tales (1852)
A Wonder-Book for Girls and Boys (1852)
Tanglewood Tales (1853)
The Dolliver Romance and Other Pieces (1876)
The Great Stone Face and Other Tales of the White Mountains (1889)
The Celestial Railroad and Other Short Stories

Selected short stories
"Roger Malvin's Burial" (1832)
"My Kinsman Major Molineux" (1832)
"Young Goodman Brown" (1835)
"The Gray Champion" (1835)
"The White Old Maid" (1835)
"Wakefield" (1835)
"The Ambitious Guest" (1835)
"The Minister's Black Veil" (1836)
"The Man of Adamant" (1837)
"The Maypole of Merry Mount" (1837)
"The Great Carbuncle" (1837)

The Scarlet Letter was publiNathaniel Hawthorned in 1850 followed by a succession of other novels. He entered Bowdoin College in 1821 was elected to Phi Beta Kappa in 1824 and graduated in 1825.