Marguerite Yourcenar

Read through the most famous quotes from Marguerite Yourcenar

The true birthplace is that wherein for the first time one looks intelligently upon oneself; my first homelands have been books, and to a lesser degree schools.

— Marguerite Yourcenar

#knowledge #self #intelligence

Of all our games, love's play is the only one which threatens to unsettle the soul...

— Marguerite Yourcenar


Leaving behind books is even more beautiful — there are far too many children.

— Marguerite Yourcenar

#childfree #legacy #beauty

This city belongs to ghosts, to murderers, to sleepwalkers. Where are you, in what bed, in what dream?

— Marguerite Yourcenar

#philosophy #dreams

If you love life you also love the past, because it is the present as it has survived in memory." Translation by David Downie

— Marguerite Yourcenar


Le souvenir n'est qu'un regard posé de temps en temps sur des êtres devenus intérieurs,mais qui ne dépendent pas de la mémoire pour continuer d'exister.

— Marguerite Yourcenar


Laws change more slowly than custom, and though dangerous when they fall behind the times are more dangerous still when the presume to anticipate custom.

— Marguerite Yourcenar


Tout bonheur est un chef-d'oeuvre: la moindre erreur le fausse, la moindre hésitation l'altère, la moindre lourder le dépare, la moindre sottise l'abêtit.

— Marguerite Yourcenar

#life #wisdom #life

I am not sure that the discovery of love is necessarily more exquisite than the discovery of poetry.

— Marguerite Yourcenar


That mysterious play which extends from love of a body to a love of an entire person has seemed to me noble enough to consecrate to it one part of my life.

— Marguerite Yourcenar


About Marguerite Yourcenar

Marguerite Yourcenar Quotes

Did you know about Marguerite Yourcenar?

In 1951 Marguerite Yourcenar publiMarguerite Yourcenard in France the novel Mémoires d'Hadrien which Marguerite Yourcenar had been writing with pauses for a decade. This novel has become a modern classic a standard against which fictional recreations of antiquity are measured. "One of the respected writers in French language Marguerite Yourcenar publiMarguerite Yourcenard many novels essays and poems as well as three volumes of memoirs.

Marguerite Yourcenar (8 June 1903 – 17 December 1987) was a Belgian-born French novelist and essayist.