Julius Wellhausen

Read through the most famous quotes from Julius Wellhausen

A judgment pronounced in accordance with the facts can therefore assign to it an historical place only within that movement of reformation which was brought to a victorious issue by King Josiah.

— Julius Wellhausen

#assign #brought #facts #historical #issue

All writers of the Chaldaean period associate monotheism in the closest way with unity of worship.

— Julius Wellhausen

#closest #monotheism #period #unity #way

And finally, it was Deuteronomy that brought about the historical result of Josiah's reformation.

— Julius Wellhausen

#brought #finally #historical #reformation #result

For the earliest period of the history of Israel, all that precedes the building of the temple, not a trace can be found of any sanctuary of exclusive legitimacy.

— Julius Wellhausen

#building #earliest #exclusive #found #history

From the building of the temple of Solomon, which is also treated as a leading epoch in chronology, a new period in the history of worship is accordingly dated, - and to a certain extent with justice.

— Julius Wellhausen

#also #building #certain #certain extent #chronology

It appears a bold thing to say so when one sees how much many a modern author who knows how to make a skilful use of the Book of Chronicles has to tell about the tabernacle.

— Julius Wellhausen

#appears #author #bold #book #chronicles

It is only in the case of the Priestly Code that opinions differ widely; for it tries hard to imitate the costume of the Mosaic period, and, with whatever success, to disguise its own.

— Julius Wellhausen

#code #costume #differ #disguise #hard

Jeremiah has to lament that there are as many altars as towns in Judah.

— Julius Wellhausen

#lament #many #towns

Solomon's temple also was designed to increase the attractiveness of the city of his residence.

— Julius Wellhausen

#attractiveness #city #designed #his #increase

The Law is never weary of again and again repeating its injunction of local unity of worship.

— Julius Wellhausen

#injunction #law #local #never #repeating

About Julius Wellhausen

Julius Wellhausen Quotes

Did you know about Julius Wellhausen?

Born at Hamelin in the Kingdom of Hanover the son of a Protestant pastor he studied theology at the University of Göttingen under Georg Heinrich August Ewald and became Privatdozent for Old Testament history there in 1870. Other works
A select list of his works are as follows:
De gentibus et familiis Judaeis (Göttingen 1870)
Der Text der Bücher Samuelis untersucht (Göttingen 1871)
Die Phariseer und Sadducäer a classic treatise upon this subject (Greifswald 1874)
Prolegomena zur Geschichte Israels (Berlin 1882; 3rd ed. 1901)
Reste arabischen Heidentums (1897)
Das arabische Reich und sein Sturz in its time the standard modern account of Umayyad history (1902) English translation The Arab Kingdom and its Fall (1927)
Skizzen und Vorarbeiten (1884–1899)
Medina vor dem Islam (1889)
new and revised editions of Friedrich Bleek's Einleitung in das Alte Testament (4–6 1878–1893).

Julius Wellhausen (May 17 1844 – January 7 1918) was a German biblical scholar and orientalist noted particularly for his contribution to scholarly understanding of the origin of the Pentateuch/Torah.