Gerard Manley Hopkins

Read through the most famous quotes from Gerard Manley Hopkins

The world is charged with the grandeur of God.

— Gerard Manley Hopkins

#god #religion #religion

What would the world be, once bereft Of wet and wildness? Let them be left, Oh let them be left, wildness and wet; Long live the weeds and the wilderness yet.

— Gerard Manley Hopkins


No wonder of it: sheer plod makes plough down sillion Shine, and blue-bleak embers, ah my dear, Fall, gall themselves, and gash gold-vermilion.

— Gerard Manley Hopkins

#spiritual #inspirational

All things therefore are charged with love, are charged with God and if we knew how to touch them give off sparks and take fire, yield drops and flow, ring and tell of him.

— Gerard Manley Hopkins

#nature #love

The Best ideal is the true and other truth is none. All glory be ascribed to the holy Three in One.

— Gerard Manley Hopkins

#religion #trinity #religion

The effect of studying masterpieces is to make me admire and do otherwise. So it must be on every original artist to some degree, on me to a marked degree. (from notes on 'Heraclitean Fire')

— Gerard Manley Hopkins


Religion, you know, enters very deep; in reality it is the deepest impression I have in speaking to people, that they are or that they are not of my religion.

— Gerard Manley Hopkins

#deepest #enters #i #impression #know

Beauty is a relation, and the apprehension of it a comparison.

— Gerard Manley Hopkins

#beauty #comparison #relation

The poetical language of an age should be the current language heightened.

— Gerard Manley Hopkins

#current #heightened #language #poetical #should

The effect of studying masterpieces is to make me admire and do otherwise.

— Gerard Manley Hopkins

#effect #make #masterpieces #me #otherwise

About Gerard Manley Hopkins

Gerard Manley Hopkins Quotes

Did you know about Gerard Manley Hopkins?

The interest was supported by his uncle Edward Smith his great-uncle the professional artist Richard James Lane and many other family members. Newman received him into the Church on 21 October 1866. It is similar to the "rolling stresses" of Robinson Jeffers another poet who rejected conventional metre.

Gerard Manley Hopkins (28 July 1844 – 8 June 1889) was an English poet Roman Catholic convert and Jesuit priest whose posthumous fame establiGerard Manley Hopkinsd him among the leading Victorian poets. His experimental explorations in prosody (especially sprung rhythm) and his use of imagery establiGerard Manley Hopkinsd him as a daring innovator in a period of largely traditional verse.