Read through the most famous quotes from George Santayana
To be happy you must have taken the measure of your powers, tasted the fruits of your passion, and learned your place in the world. ↗
Beauty as we feel it is something indescribable; what it is or what it means can never be said. ↗
#personal-growth #philosophy #self-esteem #self-help #beauty
The muffled syllables that Nature speaks Fill us with deeper longing for her word; She hides a meaning that the spirit seeks, She makes a sweeter music than is heard. ↗
Man of letters
Santayana's one novel The Last Puritan is a bildungsroman—that is a novel that centers on the personal growth of the protagonist. He had saved money and been aided by a legacy from his mother. While his writings on technical philosophy can be difficult his other writings are far more accessible and pithy.
At the age of forty-eight Santayana left his position at Harvard and returned to Europe permanently never to return to the United States. ". He said that he stood in philosophy "exactly where [he stood] in daily life.