Read through the most famous quotes from George M. Cohan
The stamp depicts both the older Cohan and his younger self as a dancer along with the tag line "Yankee Doodle Dandy. The film was privately screened for Cohan as he battled the last stages of abdominal cancer; Cohan’s comment on Cagney’s performance was "My God what an act to follow!" Cohan's 1920 play The Meanest Man in the World was filmed with Jack Benny in 1943. " On June 29 1936 President Franklin Delano Roosevelt presented him with the Congressional Gold Medal for his contributions to World War I morale in particular the songs "You're a Grand Old Flag" and "Over There.
Known in the decade before World War I as "the man who owned Broadway" he is considered the father of American musical comedy. Cohan was an American entertainer playwright composer lyricist actor singer dancer and producer.