Douglas Wilson

Read through the most famous quotes from Douglas Wilson

Become the kind of person the kind of person you would like to marry would like to marry.

— Douglas Wilson

#marriage #marriage

Education is the process of selling someone on books.

— Douglas Wilson


This particular strand of feminism is characterized by two tenets: 1. men are jerks, and 2. women should strive by all means to become like them.

— Douglas Wilson

#feminism #men #women #men

To reject Christ because the church has sin of this sort in it is like rejecting hospitals because they are full of sick people.

— Douglas Wilson


Immodest and attractive is easy. Modest and repulsive is easy too. But modest and attractive is an art form.

— Douglas Wilson

#attractive #attractiveness #immodest #immodesty #modest

If boys don't learn, men won't know.

— Douglas Wilson

#men #men

The TSA must think we're mushrooms. You know, the way they are trying to keep us in the dark, and the way they keep feeding us a fertilizing agent that comes from the south end of a north-bound cow.

— Douglas Wilson

#freedom #tsa #freedom

But with all this said, wine was given to gladden the heart of man (Ps. 104:15), and one of the duties a father has is that of teaching his son to drink.

— Douglas Wilson


I look at each episode in two ways - from a design standpoint and from an entertainment standpoint - this is TV, after all. We usually succeed on at least one of the levels.

— Douglas Wilson

#design #each #entertainment #episode #i

I know people don't think I work.

— Douglas Wilson

#know #people #think #work

About Douglas Wilson

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