Chris Patten

Read through the most famous quotes from Chris Patten

I believe in trying to get a balance between individual freedom on the one hand and social responsibility on the other.

— Chris Patten

#believe #between #freedom #get #hand

But the ability to articulate what you are doing, to be clear about it, and to stick to it is, I think, the essence of political leadership.

— Chris Patten

#about #articulate #clear #doing #essence

It is almost always wrong that the time isn't ripe to decide something. That is always said of difficult problems.

— Chris Patten

#always #decide #difficult #problems #ripe

Green politics at its worst amounts to a sort of Zen fascism; less extreme, it denounces growth and seeks to stop the world so that we can all get off.

— Chris Patten

#fascism #get #green #growth #less

I don't think that capitalism should be unbridled, if by "unbridled" you mean unregulated.

— Chris Patten

#i #mean #should #think #unbridled

I suppose I've always carried what is regarded as a bit of unnecessary baggage in Britain. I've always carried the charge that I am an intellectual in politics.

— Chris Patten

#am #baggage #bit #britain #carried

I think that if politics is just about getting your backside on important seats, then it's a pretty worthless endeavor.

— Chris Patten

#backside #endeavor #getting #i #i think

I think that what most surprises anybody who goes into politics from even a modestly cerebral background is the vulgarity of much of the cut and thrust of politics.

— Chris Patten

#background #cerebral #cut #even #goes

In a democracy everybody has a right to be represented, including the jerks.

— Chris Patten

#everybody #including #jerks #represented #right

In democracy everyone has the right to be represented, even the jerks.

— Chris Patten

#even #everyone #jerks #represented #right

About Chris Patten

Chris Patten Quotes

Did you know about Chris Patten?

Patten's most controversial actions are related to the election of the Hong Kong Legislative Council. By early May when the war was ending the United Nations estimated that some 7000 civilians had died and more than 10000 had been wounded in 2009 as the army’s noose was being drawn tight around the remaining LTTE Tamil Tiger rebels and hundreds of thousands of non-combatants who could not escape government Chris Pattenlling.

On 7 April 2011 the Queen approved Patten's appointment as the Chairman of the BBC Trust the governing body of the British Broadcasting Corporation. As Governor and Commander-in-Chief Patten presided over a steady rise in the living standards of Hong Kongers while encouraging a significant expansion of Hong Kong's social welfare system. From 1999 to 2004 he served as one of the United Kingdom's two members of the European Commission.