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Wedding Confessions

Read the best #wedding confession stories

I have a confession to make.
It's not about what I've done, but about what I'm going to do.
I want to leave my fiancé because it just doesn't work out anymore! We are planning our wedding at the moment and now I realize I don't love him as much as I told myself. He's not the right guy for me... not for the rest of my life anyway.
I met him in a café 2 and a half years ago. At first, I couldn't stand him but then, after we went out a few times, I started liking him.
The last months he's always so grumpy and lazy. He doesn't wanna go out with me, he just sits at home or plays poker with his buddies. And I don't wanna start talking about our non-existing sex life.

Our wedding should be in 2 weeks time and now I'm freaking out because I don't wanna marry!

#confession   #wedding   #bride  

10 years ago and exactly one week before my wedding, I won a great sum of money in the lottery.
I would like to confess that I have not told anyone about the prize.. not my parents, not my friends and not my wife... So, my wife has no idea that we both could quit our jobs and live a comfortable life for the rest of our lives.
But I will not tell her because I am certain that the money would change her.

#money   #lottery   #rich   #veryrich   #filthyrich   #win   #prize   #wife   #wedding   #secret   #parents  

My (ex) fiancée and I are standing in the church. The minister asked me the final key question and I answered with "Well, not really."
My ex and her family hates me now. :-)

#ceremony   #wedding   #church   #minister  

I've always had a panty fetish but last year I developed a new one. My sister was getting married and I found her wedding dress and lingerie at our parent's house. A month later I was at my sister's house babysitting and after the kids were put to bed I started searching and found her wedding dress hanging in the closet. I remembered it being so soft and decided.

#panties   #wedding   #dress   #cum  

My girlfriend and I (m/30) have been together for around 10 years now. Her family is originally from Russia. Shortly, after we got together, she invited me to her birthday party with her family. Up until then, I never met her family or knew much about them. Of course I agreed to come and got her a nice present and some flowers for her mother. I actually thought that it would be a small and quiet celebration.
Oh boy, was I wrong.
When we pulled up to her parents' house, I was overwhelmed. It was (still is) a really big house with fine decour and everything. I got rather nervous that her family would not like me as they obviously were playing in another league than me.
So, it was a huge party and all her family from all around the country and from Russia came to celebrate. And as you might know, the Russians love their vodka. Everyone was very kind and everyone wanted to drink with me. As soon as my glass was empty, another relative came my way holding vodka shots. My girlfriend was very busy talking to everyone and did not notice what happened until it was too late.
So, we danced, we took shots, the food was amazing. Until I noticed that I wasn't feeling so well. I didn't make it back to the bathroom, but puked all over myself, the floor and some landed on my girlfriend's mother... I was mortified!
Somehow, my girlfriend, her mother and her aunt managed to get me into the bathtub and hosed me down. They got me a pyjama of my girlfriend's dad and they put me to bed.

The next morning when I woke up I felt horrible. I was utterly ashamed, but still went down for breakfast. Everyone still present was smirking and laughing at me, but it seemed everything in good fun. Her mother came up to me with a bottle of vodka shortly after and asked if I wanted to do some shots. I almost puked on her again.
So I guess I just wanted to get this off my chest before our wedding in June when I have to see her whole family again.

#girlfriend   #russian   #vodka   #drunk   #puked   #embarrassing   #family   #celebration   #party   #bathroom   #funny   #ashamed   #confession   #wedding   #russia  

I cheated on my best friend, with her fiance. I will call him Seth. When I first met him, I didn't like him on sight. The feeling was mutual. Seth was incredibly good looking, extremely tall and muscular. My friend desperately wanted us to get along but every time Seth looked at me, I felt his judgement and his annoyance. It was like he wanted my friend all to himself and I felt like I was losing her. I hated how good looking he was. I hated how perfect he was for her. I would look at him and he would literally make me angry. I can't really describe why. Two years pass, and they were engaged to be married. Seth and I still disliked each other but we had become quite good at playing polite company with each other and avoiding each other like the plague.

It was the Thursday before their wedding which was taking place on Saturday. I was a bridesmaid and my best friend was understandably freaking out about her wedding, as all brides do. Their wedding was taking place at an old winery - that had the most epic yard and house. The house was not lived in and they got the keys to the place on Thursday so they could start decorating. There was this beautiful winding staircase that they were going to take their pictures on. Anyways. I came by Thursday after work to help decorate. My friend and Seth were both there too. Seth and I were hanging hundreds of strings of fake flowers on that staircase banner. My friend had to leave early and she made some joke to Seth and I about not killing each other.

So Seth and I finished up in silence and then, almost in a peace offering, he went to the kitchen and brought me back a beer. We sat on those winding old steps and I finally got up the nerve and asked, "Why do you hate me so much?" He looked over at me and said, completely straight-faced, "Because every time I see you, I want to fuck your brains out."

I had no idea what to say about that, so I just sucked back that beer so that I had an excuse not to speak. I had two thought in my mind. 1) I want to fuck him too 2) He is my best friend's fiance. Never before have I ever been so torn in my life. I decided that I loved my best friend and that I just needed to get the heck out of there. I stood up, and turned to him and said, "That explains a lot. I know you love my best friend. I love her too. Let's just never talk about this again."

That is when he reached out, and I will never forget this moment as long as I live, he slide his hand up my thigh and then his fingers were up my shorts. I moaned and my legs against my will were spreading apart and he was fingering me like I have never been fingered before. I almost came. I was panting and looking at him and he was just staring at me. He yanked my shorts down, and then he was pulled me closer and his face was between my legs. And oh Lord, his tongue. Jesus. Between that and his two very big fingers I came so hard all over his face.

Next thing I knew, I was on my hands and knees and without a condom, he was crushing me with his huge cock. I mean that thing was a monster. And I was bracing myself against those steps while he pounded me, absolutely fucked me to shit on those steps. He was yanking my head back with my hair and was saying things like, "I have never wanted to fuck anyone as much as I wanted to fuck you. The moment I saw you my cock was hard. This has been two years of torture." I have never been so turned on in my life. I had two orgasms during that and then he came inside of me. Without a condom.

When we were finished, we were both panting like we had run a marathon. I kind of moaned and said, "Oh no. Now what?" He said, "Well, the damage is done, let's enjoy this." We went upstairs and found the bride's room where there was a couch and chairs and I straddled him. He was tender that time, kissing me and kissing me while he slowly fucked me. I came twice more and then he came inside of me. Again without a condom. Then we jumped into the pool and swam around naked. Playing and drinking beer. Laughing. It was like I wasn't even with my friend's fiance. This was a completely different guy. He was funny and fun and sexy and interesting. I lay on the edge of the pool, my legs spread, staring up at the night sky. He stood in the pool and held my legs apart and pushed his tongue into me and made me come apart three times, never stopping, not even when I begged him. I loved how forceful he was. How demanding he was. I knelt on the grass and he held my head, pushing my mouth on that huge dick until I was choking and drooling, and he never let go until he was finished with my mouth. He never came in my mouth, but boy he sure liked my lips around him. The last time, he lay me down on the lounger by the pool and knelt in front of me. He put my legs on his huge shoulders and pushed so hard and deep into me. He just stared into my eyes and I orgasm-ed all over his cock twice more before he finally came inside of me.

It was 3 AM. We pulled on our clothes, made sure everything was in order and he walked me to the car. The last thing he said to me was, "Tell me not to marry her. I want to be with you. Tell me not to marry her." I just shook my head, got into my car. I bawled the entire way home. I wasn't sure if it was because I cheated on my best friend or because she was marrying the best sex I had ever had in my life.

They got married. I was the bridesmaid. Looking at him you would never know that had happened. He was back to being a complete jerk that ignored me. It confused me. We were all standing on those steps, getting our pictures taken. My best friend was so happy. Everyone was happy. All I could think of was that I had fucked Seth two nights ago on these steps. Yet here he was ignoring me. Except one glance. He looked back at me and his look said, he remembered everything. He looked completely tortured. And my heart was pounding so hard. I couldn't look at him after that. It was too hard.

During the reception, first there was the bride and groom dance and then all the other dances and then my best friend led Seth over to me and said, "Please. You two. I need you to kiss and make up. You two need to learn to like each other." And she forced us onto the dance floor. So we started to dance, it was a slow dance. Super fucking awkward. We didn't talk and I could see the bride giggling off to the side with the other bridesmaids. She thought this was funny. I thought he was being a jerk again until I felt his huge erection brush against my stomach. Our eyes met. We didn't say a word. As the song came to a close, he leaned down and said, "I hope I fucking knocked you up because I want nothing more than to be with you." I swear my knees almost gave out when he whispered those words to me.

He didn't knock me up.

Six months passed. We continued to ignore each other and be rude to each other. My friend just rolled her eyes. She told us that we must have hated each other in a past life. Little did she know that we were just working so hard to not cheat on her again.

Their marriage broke up. She was a mess. I was a mess. I comforted her. She said he just came home one day and said, "I thought you were the one but you aren't. And I can't live like this anymore." And that was it. He moved his stuff out. He had zero interest in reconciling. It was over. No amount of pleading or begging from her changed his mind.

Part of me was relieved. I thought, I no longer had to torture myself around him. No longer had to worry that I was going to slip up and cheat again. What was done was done. I could move on in my life. Except I didn't. The last person I had slept with had been him and no matter how much I tried, I had no interest in dating anyone. I felt like I was almost as heart sick as my friend.

Another six months passed. One night, my door bell rang, I opened my door and he was standing there. Staring at me. He just lifted me up, shut the door and fucked me right there on the foyer floor. We never even made it to the couch that was 5 feet away. We fucked and fucked and fucked. I kept telling myself that if I could only get this man out of my system, I would be cured. But the more we screwed, the more screwed I was.

We've been together for a year. Blindingly hot sex that just gets better and better. We have kept it a secret. I know the moment I tell my friend, she will dump me. I know the moment I tell our friends or my family or anyone, we will be judged and hated. I don't want to lose her and I don't want to hurt her.. I feel enormous guilt over this but he is like my drug. He is my world. I can't get enough of him. It's a mess. But when his cock is buried deep inside of me, I know that nothing else matters.

Can you confess if you keep on sinning?

#fiance   #cheating   #sex   #wedding  

My cousin and i got more then handsie. After a family wedding we were at a house party, me 19 her 17 I believe. We were on teams playing beer pong and kept winning and she would jump on me and hug me. Eventually when the ping pong would go behind a car we both would chase it and make out behind the car then go back. Each time we chased the ball we'd get a little more riskier, I started rubbing her pussy through her underwear and pull her dress down and suck her nipples and she would grab and rub my cock. We didn't do anymore then that and I regret it. Wish we had sex but to risky with so much family around.

#cousin   #family   #wedding  

I don't wanna me with my boyfriend anymore, he drives me crazy. Like he drinks his coffee, it's disgusting and annoying, I could go nuts! I don't think he is attractive anymore. Now he wants to marry me and I am not able to break up with him. Our parents are now starting to plan our wedding and I am freaking out. Actually, I'm in love in another man and I rejected him for my present boyfriend. I am such an idiot. This was the biggest mistake in my life and I don't know how I can end this. I'll have to leave my boyfriend at the altar, whether I like it or not.

#marriage   #wedding   #boyfriend   #frustrating   #love   #altar   #confession  

I recently got tricked into going to my cousin’s wedding after party. I’m not into weddings, don’t get all the fuss over it and see it as a waste of money and sanity. Of course, strange things happen at them. Occasionally, something good.

My cousin and I are not close and rarely see each other. We’re polar opposites but have nothing in common. We do now. His new wife. At the reception after party his wife came up to me to introduce herself as I rarely attend family functions. I figured it would be yet another meet and greet then onto the next person. Nope.

We started talking and she actually was interesting. She looked like a naive, young bimbo and I’ll freely admit I didn’t think much of her because she was with my Jughead looking cousin. I had more common interests with her than I ever did him. Or was it just her flirting her butt off?

Regardless, we slipped out back to have a more in depth discussion on a topic I actually take seriously. She starts in with the dirty talk. Woah is this girl drunk already, or does my cousin just suck like I assumed? Who cares. Grabs my crotch and starts nibbling on my ear. For once in my life I amazingly say nothing and just go with it.

She wasn’t drunk but I had feelings she was just curious as I’m often the mystery guy as i do my own thing and try to avoid anything nerve wracking. I seem to attract it, even when minding my own business out back.

She started kissing me and I kissed her strongly right back. Became a full blown make out session. She stops, licks her lips, smiles and says “I had to get that off my chest.” I just stare at her smirking. She says I’ll be back. I roll my eyes and am shaking my head trying not to laugh as she went back to the wedding table with my cousin.

Another cousin of mine I actually like came up and says what was that all about? I acted like I didn’t know what she meant. She said ****’’a new wife was all flirty. “Is she drunk -already?” I guess so. Just met the girl. She’s friendly.

i went back to my table out back and attempted to enjoy all the crappy, cheesy Coldplay and all the lovely CCR and Eminem without wanting to shoot myself, so I went outside to get some quiet. I went further around back as the smokers were dominating the front area.

Around back I saw one of the cute bridesmaids. Brief chitchat. She is definitely drunk and starts relaying how my cousins’ wife is a whore. I smiled. She then asked what made me smile. Oh just a hunch.

She then said she’ll pick one hot guy and screw his brains out. I asked is this is a common occurrence at weddings. She said oh yes and that they all screwed anyone they deemed fascinating or attractive. Seemed like a regular answer knowing how some people can be at weddings.

She then said that she saw her dressing me down at the reception. I rolled my eyes. She said I guarantee you’ll be inside her in some capacity before the night is over. She headed back inside beyond trashed. I just started laughing to myself. Man my cousin can sure pick them. Another cheating hoe supposedly in love with my yucky cus but cheating already.

I went back inside and there she was. Her dress now somehow became a skirt. Great legs, killer a** and a pretty nice rack. Well hello there. I smiled and walked back to my table: She followed. She starts asking a lot of questions. Beyond annoying. I said “do you want to get something more off your chest, or is that just commonplace for you?” She started giggling.

I smirked as I can’t smile like regular people amazingly can. She told me even though she loves my cousin and they’d known each other for years (she was his deceased wife’s close friend), that she loves meeting new people and she’s never seen me. I started thinking of the drunken bridesmaid’s comments. The load of bull this chick just gave me, but I’ll humor her. Let’s see where this goes.

She told me she wanted to f**k but there was no real way to do it, even though I could tell she was nervous. I said that there must be a basement or back door closet, why the hell not? She starts giggling and licking her lips. “You’re a naughty one, where’s he been keeping you?”

She went back to my cousin who per usual is trashed out of his mind. At least he had an excuse here. One of the few things he does well is get loaded and insult people.I look over in disgust. It wasn’t the slutty wife he just married who was much like his dead wife in that department, only she was actually attractive, but the drunken, skinny bigot she just married. What a joke.

I immediately started laughing and badly I must say. I sounded like the joker. I grabbed a beer and went back outside: I must’ve been out there a solid 20-25 minutes before I realized she was about 5 feet away from me grinning. I know that look. Fine by me I hate my loser cousin anyway and hey she started this, I’ll gladly finish.I did. Twice..

We found an old closet full of chairs and folding tables they used for functions at the hall. She went down on me and me her. We got it on, on an old tent type of surface. After I finished the first time we both started laughing. She got dressed and said “meet me back here in a couple hours, I want some more.”

I highly doubted that would happen again as in a couple hours she’s likely be in a hotel while my cousin slept it off. Wrong again. We met again back at the closet and hour and a half later and redux. Again, once more only this time against a wall.

I never saw her again in that capacity. It was as if she needed one last hurrah before she went off with my cus. Of course they were already married when I met her so perhaps I got a quality…

#wife   #wedding   #cheating   #funny  

As I kid I thought you impregnant a woman when you marry her. I was totally afraid of getting married or attending to a wedding party. One time, I was around 11, my aunt married and at her party, she sat on a chair and the people carried her around and I was just so terrified that they would hurt her and her new baby. I ran to the dance floor, screaming and shouting that they should stop because they would kill the baby.
It was so embarrassing. Everyone was laughing at me.

#impregnant   #marry   #afraid   #baby   #pregnant   #marriage   #wedding  

Pray and roll the dice for #wedding

Confessions by

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