
Violence Confessions

Read the best #violence confession stories

Dear God. I swore I’d never harm anyone unless forced. I’ve lived up to that.
I swore I’d never kill unless forced.
I am a kind man with no malice towards any of your children on this earth.
But I also swore to my grandfather I’d protect my wife and children to the death. He lived thru WWII and told me all the horrors. I’ve tried my best to spread love and kindness.
I’ve also tried to get people to look out for my nations safety.
But society is losing it as I predicted. I’m on the side of the left. But only the peace and love. None of the violence.
Now the right has taken my capital. Mostly just selfies. But a few loons.
Now the cops are going bat crap crazy. Shooting kids. Killing kids. Driving over people. I can no longer trust the people in power with their power.
So I put my guns away long ago. I only kept them locked up; disassembled, and clean for a end of society type situation. I never expected to be in one. But I was correct. It would be triggered by a virus or nuke.
I just assumed it would happen long after my death.
So I’ve cleaned my guns. Practiced assembly. I’ve put them back up. I will probably have to go buy extra ammo.
Aahhh. Why can’t people behave? All we have to do is be patient.
Wear a dang mask. A face shield. 6 feet. Sanitize. It’s not hard.
I’ll grant you having like $1 to my name, and a pile of debt is near breaking me. But I’m still being kind.
Please God. Calm these people. I can hit a target 300 yards away. I don’t want that target to be a person.
I don’t understand why love is so hard. It’s just as easy to smile and love someone as to hurt someone.
We can make it thru this together. We have the vaccines coming. Patience. An asteroid didn’t strike the planet. If we all are forced to goto war; it’s only because people are stupid. I never envisioned this. Well; actually I did. That’s why I hate but own guns. The paradox. Great marksman. Full of love. Hates guns. Has disassembled guns. Vegan. Liberal.
Has the ability to be something you never want to face. Prays no one ever chooses to force me.
I thought we had it solved. There’s your vaccine. Patience. People getting nuts.
Oh well I’m not in panic mode. I’m just preparing in case these loons cause a Civil War.
I’ll be on the side of God.
There will be an angel of death watching over 4 of Gods little children. Any who come for them will face me on the battlefield. I’m very good.
Well. I’m half way ready. I’ll get all the way ready. Then I’m going back to watching comedies. So everyone behave. Don’t make me put down the remote.
This isn’t the end of the world people. It’s just a very stressful situation. We can survive it if we keep loving each other.
Turn off your hate. Trump had a bad situation. The economy was great. He ducked at health care. I was going to put in Sanders for health care & free college if possible.
Then this hit. Think about it. Trump had to mobilize an epic sized response with everything we needed in China. He had to prepare for war in case this was an attack. He had to keep some states open to grow food and make stuff. Big cities had to close. He had to deal with peaceful protestors (my side). Violent protestors from the left and right.
He unraveled at the end. The stress got to him. But he was in a war. With a virus. Maybe with super powers.
You do realize that may have been a test. How would we respond. Where are our weaknesses. What if a second wave hit us right now? A more deadlier strain.
We pray for peace but stay prepared and vigilant for war.
It’s an odd balance. Please forgive and love each other.
Well. Back to the Simpson's for me.

#insurrection   #violence   #love   #forgiveness   #hope  

My mom is crazy. We came to KSA a few days ago and we're in Madina now. My stupid lil bro locked the bathroom door from the inside. My mom got so angry she almost beat him to death and locked the door. I don't like violence so I asked her to stop. She didn't so I opened the door and called dad. Now that bitch is angry at ME for telling dad. And now I locked myself up in the storage room. My mom physically and mentally abuses me a lot and I hate her for that. What kind of a crazy bitch gets mad because of a bathroom?

#mom   #violence   #mental  

It started when I was 14, I was being bullied, and abused by my boyfriend, and not knowing who to turn to, or how to even explain what people were doing to me, I looked for a release. I found it in self-harming. For months no one knew what I was doing, then my boyfriend caught me. He began to abuse me even further. It progressed from one time a week, to every day, to 2-3 times a day. This went on for nearly 8 months when my boyfriend then committed suicide.
I took it for the worse and tried to OD. I got help but 2 months later I relapsed, then another 4 months after than I did again. This went on until I met my now boyfriend. To this day, two years later I still self-harm when I breakdown. But for now I have been 3 months free.

#suicide   #overdose   #abuse   #stupidity   #violence  

Two large muscular men once sexually harassed my wife. One touched her sexually. They threatened her. So I beat the shit out of them. I’m not sorry. One was about 6’ 3”. They should have either been bigger, or brought some friends.


When I was a kid I would watch Wrestling and laugh seeing Wrestlers hit eachother with chairs and cookie pans, and it gave me and my friends at School the idea of making a Backyard Wrestling league and we would hit eachother with just about anything but the weapon we mostly used was VHS Tapes.

When one of my friends hit another friend in the head with a VHS Tape I would yell "He Hit Him With a Video."

Believe me getting hit in the head with a video hurts because I remember asking myself "What would happen if I hit someone in the head with a video?" My smartass cousin would respond with "If you hit someone with a video then they will die."

So I hit my Cousin in the head with a Power Rangers VHS Tape and I got in trouble for hitting my cousin in the head with a video. But later on my Cousin hit me in the Dead with a Pokemon VHS Tape and it fucking hurt I ended up with a headache after me and my cousin both hit eachother in the heads with VHS Video Tapes.

In School one time me and this guy named Kevin got into a fight and he threw a book at me and I took a video that I brought to class (just in case) and Hit Kevin in the head with a video and the video smashed into pieces and as a result of me bashing a VHS tape on Kevin's head; I ended up getting suspended from School.

One time at Blockbuster Video some asshole tried to take the video I wanted to rent Pokemon The First Movie so I argued with him and picked up a Blockbuster video box from behind a display copy of The Barney Movie and hit this asshole in the head with a Blockbuster Video and after that I was banned from Blockbuster.

AS the years went on VHS was replaced by DVDs and now Blurays and they are less effective as weapons, I graduated from School, and Blockbuster went out of business.

I haven't hit anyone in the head with a video since VHS Tapes were replaced by DVDs but not too long ago I picked up some old VHS Tapes and brought them with me to work and my coworker Kevin started pissing me off so I hit him in the head with a Video while yelling "HE HIT HIM WITH A VIDEO." and then I got fired but before I left I threw coffee in his fat face and hit my former boss in the head with a VHS and smashed it to pieces and I feel so redeemed.

Don't fuck with the Videomaster.

#video   #violence  

I was out to dinner with my family and was really ticked by how long we had to wait to just get out menus. I ended up directing my anger by looking at all the peoples' reflections in the window and imagining myself ripping out their throats with my teeth.

#anger   #violence  

Until a year ago I was a normal guy. 18 had fucked 6 girls up to that time and never even thought about anything else sexually. I got into a situation and owed a guy about 12 years older than me a lot of money. The situation got out of hand. I even brought a girl who was a fuck buddy up to see him and she fucked him silly while I jacked off watching, hoping that would delay paying him for a bit, or take a little off the bill. He told her to leave and me to stay. He sexually assaulted me after I refused the first order to lay down, and he hit me several times and threatened me with a knife. He made me lay there while he fucked me and made me stay the night while he fucked me some more. In the morning we had breakfast, then around noon he made me suck his cock with more hitting. He made a deal which was more like an order as I had no choice. Since he "fagged me out" already I would stay with him as his girlfriend and he would let me work off the debt I owed. By now I knew he had a gun, and several knives and was afraid he'd use them. I thought I'd be able to date still, and just let him fuck me, and hopefully just get away with blowing him a few times, but I was wrong. I can't see anyone else, my family is out of town and can't see me this way. All girls are gone now, he even had me bring my fuck buddy over and he had her get naked thinking she was getting a 3way and then banged me in front of her. He now makes me dress in girls clothes (I'm rather small for a guy, and have a waist and curvy hips and bottom). I even have to dress in girls clothes when I go out, not just in bed where he bought me all kinds of sexy lingerie and outfits to wear for him. He made me grow my nails, my hair and has it styled and done in a woman's fashion. About 8 months ago or more he had a doctor in debt to him who started giving me hormone shots. My already small penis is only about 3 inches long, very thin, my balls are so small, and my boobs have started to grow. My man loves all this and loves my overly sensitive nipples. I've fucked and sucked him and some of his friends, but I'm now his girlfriend in all ways. The doctor checks me out regularly my boobs, my boipussy, everything. I have had some big changes and he makes sure I'm functional for my boyfriend. When my boyfriend hits me if I refuse, the doctor comes to the house to treat me after he's finished beating and fucking me.

I cook, clean, he supports me, buys me jewelry, nice clothes, a BMW and of course I take care of his sexual needs. I really liked fucking girls, but in a way I really like being taken care of and getting fucked too. I really like taking care of his needs and being there for him sexually. I am now a transgender living with my boyfriend, and all because I started betting on sports games and he let me get so far into debt. I think if I only got $ 10 a fuck, I'd have paid off my $50K debt by now. My butthole is loose, open and even the ring has grown and stretched, one of his friends says it's the most inviting "pussy" he's ever seen. I've started cheating a bit, I see that friend of his on the side, and even the doctor has started fucking me.

#nc   #gay   #bi   #violence  

Pray and roll the dice for #violence

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