
Topless Confessions

Read the best #topless confession stories

I have been very naughty. Yesterday was a beautiful sunny day in the South-East of England and I was at home alone, so I decided to do a bit of sunbathing. So I put my fairly small bikini on and I went to the bottom of our garden just outside our summer house and started sunbathing. After a while my next door neighbour, a man in his 60s poked his head over the fence and asked me how I was and if I fancied a nice cold drink. I said yes and he soon appeared with a tray containing a jug of lemonade and two glasses. It was ice-cold and delicious.
I told him that I was just about to go topless (which was lie) when he put his head over the fence and laughing I said he should have waited for a few minutes. He said he couldn't believe how bad his luck was but never mind and with that he reached behind me and pulled my bikini tie open and pulled my top off.
I thought I should have been shocked but I wasn't, we just lazed around chatting for a while, me with my ample breasts on display and him being very cool about it. It's a nice day out there today and I just know I am going to go out and sunbathe topless again and this time with my very tiny bottom on. In fact it is so tiny that I have just had a little tidy up down there.
But I am so frightened that my husband will find out.

#sunbathe   #topless  

I am 23 years old and last weeked was the first time I drank alcohol. I am still living with my parents and when they left for date night on Saturday I found their vodka stash. I was rather curious and drank quite a bit.When my parents came back home I was lying topless on our kitchen table, singing "I want to break free" from Queen.I will never touch alcohol again. 

#topless   #queen   #confession   #alcohol   #drunk   #vodka   #fun   #embarrassing  

I was working in Las Vegas several years ago. I was staying in a strip hotel and in the evening when I was done with work I would go out in the hallway and call my wife. One night as I am talking to my wife (I am in my lower 60s), this young girl of about 20 comes up to me and stands right next to me shoulder to shoulder. I did not move, kept talking to my wife. She didn't say a word, just stood touching my side. When I hung up the phone I say to her what's up. She says not much and gives me a gentle nudge. Well within about 15 seconds we were hand in hand kissing. We walked around and stopped every few feet to kiss. She could't go back to her room because her boyfriend was there, I couldn't go back to my room because I was sharing it with a co worker. We walked around and found the linen closet was open. We went in and kissed for the longest time. She was tall, slender, tiny breasts. I took off her top and sucked on her nipples for quite some time. She didn't want to go any further than that. Too bad both our rooms were occupied,

#infidelity   #cheating   #nipples   #topless   #hotel   #kissing  

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