Read the best #stubborn confession stories
I feel I’m facing my death. I’m trying to go out swinging. My whole life I stood up for those who were targeted by bullies. Kept me in constant trouble.
I can’t physically do much anymore, so I use the written word.
I once fought a bunch of athletes to save a disabled person. Led to fights after fights. Finally the coach got me expelled.
But I’m at it again. I saw a tiny person being ran over. So I’m swinging way above my weight again. That’s my nature. Someone once told me I’d walk into hell and fight the devil to save someone. I don’t think I’m that courageous. I’m fact I see myself as a loser. But someone has to care about those no one else seems to love. Someone has to fight for them. I’d rather it be someone stronger and better than me. If I’m all you have your in deep. But I’ll jump in.
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