
Shrinking Confessions

Read the best #shrinking confession stories

So I am 30. I've always been on the heavy side. And at age 17 realized that not only have I been fat, but according to my past girlfriends, I'm also below average in the pants.
I was given a medication to help me lose weight and it works, but it has some side effects.
Its a blood constrictor meaning its constricts the vessels of my genitalia. In essence shrinking them.

I went from 1.5 inches soft and 3.5/4 erect. Down to retracted soft and 1.9/2.5 erect. Also I was thin but now it's ridiculous like a dry erase marker only shorter.
At first I thought it was in my head. But I got drunk and told my cool aunt. I had to tell Someone...
She had seen my dick before by accident and had made a size comment
So...she laughed it off and said jokingly it Can't get any smaller.
Ten minutes later I strip down to nothing and toss my bottoms on the roof(I'm very drunk at the time)
I basically showed my aunt. Her mom. My cousin my shrunken genitals. I had an erection to show I still have a penis.
They confirmed it. It wasnt in my head. The obesity definitely helped it look smaller but I really was smaller.
After lots of laughs and having to wear my aunt's yoga pants(only thing that fit.) I talked her into letting me stay naked. My pants and hers was uncomfortable.

My doctor said the effects are permanent with long term use. So it's either stay fat or risk permanent micropeen.

Btw. They did take pics. Now every one in my fam knows.

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