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Shock Confessions

Read the best #shock confession stories

I married an older Saudi, with very strict views on a woman's role.

It seemed the thing to do, since I am extremely submissive, and love to be confined in a severe burqa, virtually 24/7! My only contact with the world is the tiny fine-meshed area at my eyes. He ties me into it neck and waist, before sex, so I am utterly helpless, which really plays to my rape fantasies! He was really surprised when I admitted I loved it, but VERY willing to add another second similar burqa! He sent for his mother, to come live with us, and control my "morality" while he was gone, which is quite frequently. She is mean and cruel, and really hates me for not being of the "faith" although I have offered to convert to Islam. She really enjoys her absolute power over me, and even seals off the little meshed area, leaving me in absolute blackness, slowly suffocating under the layers of heavy, stifling cloth, while she insults me, beats me, and torments my clit, painfully, but also arousingly. This is the final humiliation, so aroused I have to beg her to continue, while she calls me slut and whore, and tells me she will make her son take another wife, and thus gain me for HER personal slave! Scary but exciting, especially when she tells me I will never see the light of day again! This woman is scary cruel, and I just worship her! She is very fond of teasing me into unbearable arousal, and denying me the relief of orgasm! When I need to come so bad that I will promise her ANYTHING, she prolongs the torment until I truly think I'm going to lose control of my bowels!

He came home unexpectedly, in the middle of a bout like this, but just said amiably he was delighted that we two women were 'such good friends'! When his mother declared that the slut needed real punishment, he agreed amiably, and told her to do whatever she felt was necessary to encourage my morality! AND he agreed that perhaps she was right about another wife!

#culture   #shock   #married   #woman  

My wife keeps me locked up in a heavy rubberized fabric hazmat suit, with built in socks and mitts. The built-in hood is connected to a gasmask, allowing me vision at times, so I can do housework and repairs, remodeling stuff, etc. The central filter has been replaced with a half-inch valve, and the open/close lever removed, so that the only way it can be opened or closed, or partially either, is with an Allen key. Thus she can ration my air supply, and once set, without the key, I can't make any adjustment. She's not interested in sex, other than her own self-pleasuring, and I'm restricted to whatever I can achieve through the thin but immensely strong material that encloses me 23 hours a day. The other hour, I eat, shower, and use the toilet, before being reconfined. We love each other, and are happy to do whatever the other wants, within certain parameters. I am glad that I will spend the rest of my life like this, serving her from my rubber prison. Shocking? There are worse things out there, believe me!

#rubber   #slavery   #love   #shocking  

My stepmother gave me a vibrator. I'm only 13 and wasn't sure what to think. Why, did she give me this? Well the weird part, maybe a month later she asked how I liked it. I thought it was a private thing, so I just smiled and said it was too noisy. Then she continues on telling me not to worry and wants to know if I need a demonstration. What? I kind of want to tell my dad, but I don't want to rock the boat. I have known this lady 5 years and never expected she would do this. Did she want to use it on me or have me watch her use it? Before I try it, she will not be home and my door will be locked. How can I relax and try it?

#stepmother   #vibrator   #noisy   #private   #shocked   #confused   #weird  

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