Read the best #sexuality confession stories
I think I might actually be gay. I joke about it a lot and I've had crushes on other girls before but it just hit me recently that I might be a lesbian. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it though.
today i [18f] got reallllly turned on for the first time in my life and im guilty of its source
this isnt anything crazy like incest or whatever, but for a simple teen i was very confused. since i was a young kid, i was always on the internet. my long-term exposure to porn and shit from ads or whatever never made me feel aroused or anything, since i saw sex as kind of a meme, and still do. sometimes i try to masturbate, but nothing ever gets me in the mood and i can never feel much of anything.
today, that changed. i was scrolling through twitch looking for a chill minecraft stream to watch, and i found a dude with like 30 viewers or whatever. he was recreating one of those challenges from a popular creator, i dont remember which one since i put the stream on for background noise, but the stream was set up like a speedrun. i stayed in the stream for like 30 min without issue, but then i looked over at what the guy was doing. this guy was insane at minecraft, like an absolute BEAST. crazy parkour, clutch plays one after another, the whole package. i dont know what came over me, but i suddenly felt aroused. he did not even have a face cam on or whatever, but his voice was also pretty nice. really though, there was no reason for me to swoon so much over a dude playing hardcore minecraft. i dont know how i feel, im afraid im gonna have to watch minecraft streams to get off, which i've been trying to do for years now.
So I’m bi but I have never been with guys or girls, do I have a right to say that I’m bi and I really want to get with a girl before I get with a guy. I know that won’t happen but I want to eventually have experience with both but I don’t know on which one I want right now. What do I do?
I don’t like preachers. They spread racism; classism, and homophobia. They teach members to push gay children out of families. Yet these fat divorced preachers run around looking at porn and hitting on other people’s wives. I used to work with one. I took great pleasure into proving to people he was misquoting the Bible and a sinner. Oh I know I’m a sinner too.
These slime set back and allow disabled children to be pushed out of their Church “if” the parents aren’t rich. They take nice vacations posed as humanitarian missions. They gave away your money to help. That’s fine. Staying for a fancy weeks vacation is not.
I really love listening to them pressure old people. Give us your stuff. Don’t give it to your children.
Oh I’m sure there are good preachers; but you don’t need a gas bag to reach Heaven; accept the Spirit; read the Bible, and be good.
If you find yourself thinking it’s ok to deny a gay person the right to buy a cake in a store, then your not serving God. Sure it’s a sin, but so is judging others. So is divorce. So is over eating. So is gossiping. If everyone who sins went to heck, Heaven would be a very empty place.
I’m not Jesus; but a lot more of you would make it to Heaven listening to me than most preachers, and even I wouldn’t listen to me.
If you must hurt someone else to serve God then your not serving God. In America it was push away the Irish. Then push away the blacks. Today it’s take a crap on the gays. Even our highest court does it. Christians can refuse to serve gays. It was once legal to refuse to serve blacks. To refuse to serve Irish. To refuse to serve Native Americans.
I myself am not gay. But I’ve tried to save children. It’s a terrible thing to try to talk a child out of suicide because a piece of shit preacher tells the parents they must force a gay child to be straight or that child will goto heck. That shit preacher cheats on his wife; steals from the Church; looks at porn; and hits on other people’s wives; but let’s push a child to suicide rather than accept the child being gay.
I say fuck those preachers. They can kiss my ass. They don’t speak for God. I say let’s love those little children.
If anyone doesn’t like what I say I don’t care. Who can shut me up? Oh I’ve had people try. No ones done it yet.
So fly your rainbow flags little ones. Love yourselves.
I had a preacher tell me I hurt gay people by defending them. They should suffer for their sins so they will sin no more. I told him your fat; ugly; smell bad; divorced; and judgmental, hope your ready for heck. He got very upset. I said I’m just trying to save your soul, God sent you a good man to show you your wicked ways. Repent and sin no more. Funny he didn’t like that. Basically ran from me and never wanted to speak to me again. The truth hurts I guess.
See I can talk about my crap because I own it. I don’t hide behind the Bible and use my faith to attack others.
#faith #bible #religion #jesus #god #homosexuality #disability #hope #preacher #forgiveness
I also want to come out to my parents but I’m still questioning I am bisexual but I just don’t know how to tell my parents.
I am a 16 year old girl and bisexual, I don’t know how to come out as bi to my friends incase they think I fancy them which I don’t. I don’t know how to tell my family as they’re really religious. I might just keep it a secret and never come out.
My grandfather is against homosexuality.
Because I don't agree with him, I told him I'm gay. Now he won't talk to me, locked himself in his room (he's living with us) and listens to classic music the whole day.
One of my friends has a cousin who is super lesbian. She always hits on me and my friends even though she is in her 20s and we are all 16/17. I’ve never been into girls but last week me and his girl kissed. Like really kissed. It was the best makeout session I’ve ever had. She lips and tongue were so soft and how she grabbed my neck and pushed me against the wall and would bite my lip and tell me I’m hers. It really did turn me on. I only starting kissing her because she kept calling me scared and that I’m afraid of turning gay for her. I said bet and it started as a beck and ended with her hand trying to unbotton my pants and sucking on my tongue. I stopped at the kissing but ever since I’ve been really turned on. I’ve been watching a lot of lesbian porn lately as well. This girl isn’t ugly but she isn’t considered georgious. She’s a little heavier and Goliath like. But wow can she kiss.
I love feeling long orgasms with marijuana smoke everywhere in room in cold winter. Feeling crazy with this fancy idea. Do share your experience with crazy naughty moments of love making.
I felt I was bisexual until the age of 16. But sooner or later I had to realise that I was pretty much gay. I like men. Everything about them arouses my orgasm, be it their great looks or their body or their chest hair or their armpits. I've always wanted to tell it out but certainly I couldn't build up the courage to put it before anyone. None of my friends know this. I do feel helpless. But now, I have decided that this is my life and I have to choose what is right for me. I can't fake myself in front of the world. So, since I know no matter oh what grounds I confess this to my parents or for that matter anyone, no one is gonna accept it. Even if they are compelled to. So I will leave the town when I go to study my post graduates. And I shall find someone there who's with me and understands me.
The ugliest part of being gay, I always looked for hot guys and watched gay porn. I always wanted to make out with some of my classmates who are good friends with me and look really good.
I guess that's all and I feel really really better talking it out here. I know this is anonymous which I want it to be but I still find a satisfaction and do not feel the same burden anymore.
I have started loving myself and I don't care or what people think because as such I am moving abroad and settle elsewhere.
I just watched The Babysitter with my mum, when Bee and Alison were kissing, I couldn’t help but think about how comfortable I would be with confessing my sexuality to her. I’m not even sure if I still like guys anymore or if it’s just girls, cause god girls are so hot.
I'm a 65 year old bisexual male who loves to cross-dress. I've been doing this now for seven years. Wearing women's clothing just feels so good to me. When I get up in the morning, I can't wait to get my entire body shaved completely smooth, put on makeup and do my nails. Next comes my thong, corset, push-up bra, hip and butt pads, garter belt and nylons. Since I've been taking phytoestrogen supplements the whole time, my boobs have grown to fit snugly into a 42C bra. My boobs are really nice. Guys go crazy for them. I began using breast forms to augment my appearance, but I don't need them anymore to get a nice effect. I really love my boobs and fondle them as often as possible. Next comes a silky slip to drape over my torso, followed by a sexy dress with its hemline falling just above my knees. The neckline of my dress must plunge low enough to expose my cleavage. My legs have received many compliments on their shape, so I always wear a fashionable pair of heels to bolster their appearance. Earrings, necklace, bracelet and a nice wig complete the look.
My wardrobe is extensive. I have dozens of dresses, skirts, blouses, shoes. outerwear and accessories. Wigs of all shades and lengths are available to me as well. No matter how much I have, I can't resist the urge to buy more. Its definitely an obsession. When I'm fully dressed and see myself in the mirror, I nearly come to climax. OMG, how I wish I could be a woman. I'm so jealous of those who are.
Being bisexual, I crave having sex other men. As a younger man, it was relatively easy to hook up for same sex experiences. However, as I aged, it became harder to arrange such trysts. Becoming a crossdresser definitely increased my chances for success. I discovered that many men love "chicks with dicks". It opened up a whole new world for me. As soon as I began appearing in drag, I became much more desirable. My date requests grew immensely. I could pick and choose which ones to accept.
One thing I've always fantasized about was being a prostitute. How lucky women are that they can do this. I could never understand why more ladies don't participate in that occupation. I fantasized about it so much, I decided to try my luck as a crossdressing escort. Websites for escort service advertising are all over the internet. I offered my services on as many of them as I could. I really didn't know if I'd get any responses. To my surprise, the replies were overwhelming.
It was so easy to find men who wanted to have sex with me. There were several women as well. I've lost count of how many men I've sold my body to, but it has to be at least several hundred. Age range also surprised me. The youngest man I did told me he was 18, and I'm not sure if he really was . He looked no more than 16 and didn't have a car. I asked to see his ID, but he declined to show me anything. I probably shouldn't have had sex with him, but the opportunity was too irresistible. The oldest guy was in his 70's and the rest were part of every age group in between.
So far, I've made tens of thousands of dollars over the years as a part-time prostitute. I know its not the right thing to do, but I just can't stop. I've tried to quit many times. I love the work so much the idea of quitting is to depressing. I can't keep doing this forever. What am I going to do?
my partner and i don’t have sex or sext at all anymore because their ocd causes them intense discomfort when talking about sex - i’m a very hypersexual person, but also i’m fine with masturbating as that’s how i got along before this. however i keep getting tempted to make accounts on stuff like adultfriendfinder and grindr just to receive offers to have sex - even if i did, i don’t have any interest in having sex with others or following through with these offers or anything at all, i just get very turned on at the feeling of being wanted sexually, which, obviously, i don’t experience in any way anymore.
i don’t plan to cave to that occasional mid-masturbation temptation, but if i did, is that cheating? (it is, right?) am i a bad partner? what do i even do? it’s not their fault that they can’t have or talk about sex at all, so it’s not like there’s an issue they can fix or something they’re doing wrong. sometimes i masturbate to the thought of going to a gloryhole or otherwise having anonymous sex and just saying nothing about it, but i wouldn’t do that to them. i just don’t know what to do man.
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