
Robbed Confessions

Read the best #robbed confession stories

I was jumped by 3 women and robbed. But I’m way to embarrassed to tell anybody including police. I was walking alone in a park just to get some fresh air. I don’t even live in a bad area. First it was just 1 girl who approached me. She asked if she could use my phone, I pulled my phone out to unlock it when I was hit right in the face from behind. I don’t remember it all but I remember falling down and then feeling them kick me in the head. At one point everything went all black. I kinda came to and I was so confused. Two of them were kinda holding me down reaching in my pockets, and then 1 made me tell her my phone password. They took my phone and wallet which had 300 bucks inside. Then they just beat me again. Punches kicks, but I couldn’t block my face because they would have 1 girl hold my arm. They left after I stopped moving. I limped home and thankfully I wasn’t injured severely, just bumps and a black eye. I’m not a big guy which is why I guess they targeted me. But to have to tell someone you were knocked out and robbed by females is just to embarrassing for me.

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