
Mistake Confessions

Read the best #mistake confession stories

My first job was at a local county office, as gofer and general dogsbody. I was a shy, naive orphan of eighteen, and shared an office with two plain, much older secretaries, who flirted shamelessly with me, I was such an easy mark. They loved embarrassing me, and they were pretty merciless with it! After a long-term period of abuse, in the orphanage, again involving a plain, middle-aged director, it felt horribly familiar! To make things worse, one of the women habitually wore an old beige trench-coat with a heavy check lining, which hung behind the office door all day, and sometimes overnight, in the warmth of the summer. Mornings were pretty cool. Now I had a history with a garment like this, as the orphanage director had one very similar, and she used to throw it over my head, and knot the sleeves tight round my neck, before undressing me, and "wanking" me mercilessly. (This was Britain, and that was the word they used then) Anyway, I was fixated on this one at work, and something deep inside me longed to re-experience what had happened to me. One Friday at five, everyone left, and I noticed the woman Jean, had left the coat behind the door. After making sure the outer door was locked, and I was alone on the premises, I pulled it off the door, and tied it over my head, just like before. Then I dropped my pants, and began to wank myself, slowly, savoring the familiar feelings. This was a very heavy coat, and it kept me from hearing someone approaching, in the building. First thing I knew, was a heavy slap to my head, and Jean's angry voice hissing abuse in my ear! "You nasty little pervert! Boy you're in trouble! You're gonna get it now! Just wait til I tell the Boss - you'll be out of here! Meantime, if this is what you wanted so bad, well, we'll see what you feel like on Monday morning!" She tied my wrists with the belt from the coat, efficiently and firmly, then said "I left my house-keys in the coat! You never saw that coming, did you? She led me stumbling, pants around my ankles, to the tiny coat-closet, and stuffed me in, and locked the door. I was begging her to stop, and said Please Miss Shaerer - don't do this! I'll do ANYTHING! I promise! Anything!" My voice was faint in the smothering folds of cloth. Silence, and I thought she was gone, then the door unlocked and she said quietly "Anything?" I nodded frantically. "ANYTHING! Just don't l;eave me like this!" She took hold of my half-erect cock, and began wanking me, gently. Quickly I was unimaginably aroused, and dancing on the spot! " Will you come and let me be your landlady?" Oh yes!! "Will you let me tie you up?" Ooooh yessss! "A lot?" Yess "Will you buy me a new coat? You're gonna own that one, soon, or it's gonna own you!" Yesssss ma'am! "Okay, I'm going to take your picture now, with the office Polaroid, and they go straight to the Boss, if you disobey me in ANY way, or if I get bored with you!" Yess Ma'am! So I became her prisoner, which lasted for five whole years! During that time I became hopelessly addicted to bondage and sexual slavery, and learned how to please a demanding woman, just in time to be married off to her younger sister, still twelve years older than me, and every bit as demanding!


I grew up being told not to let anyone touch my body except my husband after marriage. That meant nothing sexual. My ex-boyfriend and I were driving somewhere and his hand was on my thigh. He slipped his hand higher just to see what I would do. It was making me realize horny. I let his finger graze my private spot. He then started touching me on the outside of my clothes. We went to find a place to park and we started making out. Eventually I let his hand go under my clothes. And I started touching his private place too. It got hot and heavy. I told him we had to stop or it would go to far. He told his parents and we broke up because they didn’t like it. I never used to do things like that but I find myself in situations similar to that one. I only told 1-2 people but I can’t bring myself to tell my parents or religious leader. I feel like I do need to tell my religious leader so I can be worthy again.

#guilt   #mistakes  

I'm a dude in the closet about being bi. Yesterday before I left for work I forgot my dildo in my bath tub. Now idk if my roommate saw it or not.... I'm so nervous he's gonna out me or try and fuck me.

#mistake   #dildo  

my ex wife cheated, I confronted her and kicked her out of the house. I set up my rifle and watched this guy eat lunch. I had the rifle on his head and safety off, my finger on the trigger and pressing. I came very close to shooting him but knew I would be found.
I planned a set up where I would tie her in a chair and make her watch as I executed her family one by one. The only thing that saved them was my love for her little sister. She thought of me as a father figure and did not deserve to die.
I thought of suicide myself and just ending it all.

I did not kill anyone and just found someone new. I have a great wife I can trust and children I am very proud of.

#cheating   #wife   #mistakes   #suicide   #killing   #rifle  

I have a boyfriend but I went to my friends house for the night and we made out😰😰I feel rly bad now what do I

#stupid   #mistake   #idk  

Once at 17, I didn't know what I was thinking at the time, I did something I regret. I got home from school, took my backpack to the bedroom and met my dad. I greet him and he tells me to go say hello to my mom who is in the kitchen. I go there and find her on her back washing her dishes.

I hug her from behind her, putting my arms around her neck. Suddenly she grabs my hands and rests her butt on my pelvis, rubbing on top. I feel the pressure of the penis on one buttock to the other. I get hard. My mother's head turns to my side with her "eyes closed" and she brings her lips to mine. I feel her mouth move, as if she wanted to make out. She lets me go. All the while she didn't open her eyes. She brings her look back to the sink and exclaims Dad's name. At that moment I realized that she had mistaken me for someone else, but I was still in a state of shock ... and excitement. Instinctively, with one hand I touch her bottom softly and then I immediately go back to my room.

Since that day I have never hugged my mother, without letting her know that I am her son. I regret that I had to have that kind of experience with my mom, but at least it hasn't happened anymore. Now I understand why my parents never divorced.

#mom   #kissing   #buttock   #mistake  

I love someone. We are together. But I cheated him.I was attracted to someone else and started dating him. But now I'm realise my mistake. I'm guilty. But i don't have strenght to tell him the truth. He already know that I want to confess something and he is asking to me about it but I don't know how to tell him. I don't know what to do now. I just want to tell him sorry but I don't know how.I know that break his trust but I'm guilty. Please forgive me abhi. Plz, i know that i should not lie to you after you asking about that confession and i didn't got so anger at you. I had to be tell you the truth. I'm sorry. Plz forgive me. I will never do this again. Plz will never break your trust again. I'm sorry.

#cheat   #date   #mistake   #adultery   #trust  

Ballot mistakes. Are they real? I’m sure some are. I’m a registered voter. Tried to do it early by mail. Never seemed to get mine. So what. There’s a pandemic.
I doubt someone said wow; let’s not let this independent vote. The guy I wanted to win as President appears to be leading. But lost by many votes in my state. The other person I really wanted to win never stood a chance.
But as we see in these battleground states; every vote does count. If I lived in those states I would have stood in line for a whole day to vote. I usually do that. But I’m so sick I couldn’t risk the exposure. Too many in my state refuse to wear masks.

#election   #fraud   #mistakes  

Pray and roll the dice for #mistake

Confessions by