
Minecraft Confessions

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today i [18f] got reallllly turned on for the first time in my life and im guilty of its source

this isnt anything crazy like incest or whatever, but for a simple teen i was very confused. since i was a young kid, i was always on the internet. my long-term exposure to porn and shit from ads or whatever never made me feel aroused or anything, since i saw sex as kind of a meme, and still do. sometimes i try to masturbate, but nothing ever gets me in the mood and i can never feel much of anything.

today, that changed. i was scrolling through twitch looking for a chill minecraft stream to watch, and i found a dude with like 30 viewers or whatever. he was recreating one of those challenges from a popular creator, i dont remember which one since i put the stream on for background noise, but the stream was set up like a speedrun. i stayed in the stream for like 30 min without issue, but then i looked over at what the guy was doing. this guy was insane at minecraft, like an absolute BEAST. crazy parkour, clutch plays one after another, the whole package. i dont know what came over me, but i suddenly felt aroused. he did not even have a face cam on or whatever, but his voice was also pretty nice. really though, there was no reason for me to swoon so much over a dude playing hardcore minecraft. i dont know how i feel, im afraid im gonna have to watch minecraft streams to get off, which i've been trying to do for years now.

#minecraft   #sexuality  

Pray and roll the dice for #minecraft

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