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Lies Confessions

Read the best #lies confession stories

It's funny, I used to sit in bed while on the phone with the one person I thought I would never lose and read people's confessions from this page. We would always say how some of the people on this page where so messed up and how we would never do any of that stuff.
One of those things was leave eachothers side. I mean he even gave me a promise ring to make things more convincing... for a while I thought this was it. He was my one true love, he was everything I ever wanted. Turns out, that promise ring was just an empty promise. All those times he said "we would never break up, we will always fix it, we always have.... we always will" were lies. He left. Of course he would, what guy could ever love me ? I scare them, apparently.
I really wish I would have known this was going to happen, because out of all people I never expected him to leave me when he knew I was alone.
Well I'm glad he decided to go find himself, I just wish he would have told me when he lost himself.
This ones for you Loyd.

#lies   #heartbreak  

I haven't been truly honest about my life, but the thing is do I really have to?
My perception towards life was just a momentary thing, to entertain me, to give me pleasure.
Attachment was never an option, I lied in every aspect about me —towards my friends, my family and to my lover.
And the sad thing about it is that I don't feel any sort of guilt, not an ounce of remorse.
Lying became a part of my life and I wasn't doing anything to stop it.

#lies   #friends   #faker  

I constantly lie to my boyfriend about thinks I needn't lie about.
For instance about my condition, when I have headache, I'll tell him that I have stomachache as well.
Or when I forget something, I come up with ridiculous excuses. I even tell him wrong information when he asks me what I ate.

#lies   #lying   #constantly   #secret   #excuses   #confession  

The last two weeks, I stole more office supplies and was more time on the internet than I worked.

#office   #supplies   #internet   #work   #lazy  

When me and my boyfriend first started having raw sex, I gave herpes to him not knowing I had herpes and I still feel guilty about that because he always talk about it. He’s given me an STD TWICE ! And every time I bring up him cheating on me and giving me and STD , he throws it in my face. The difference between my situation and his situation is that I didn’t go CHEAT and brought it back to him and he literally went and got head from another dirty bitch and brought me back trichomoniasis . My situation is this, me and him we’re starting a relationship and he decided to take off the condom. I didn’t know I had herpes because before me and him met I was promiscuous so when me and him got together I stopped doing what I was doing . He literally went and cheated on me while we were together and gave me an STD. I FEEL mostly bad about my situation because I gave him something he can’t get rid of because of my PAST and who I was . We both did terrible in this relationship and in two weeks it’s gonna be three years since we’ve been together and these years have been STRESSFUL, HARD, depressing. He put me down like it’s sooo much stuff this man has put me through. I’m 21 and he’s 28 and he manipulates me and controls me and my money smh

#hurt   #cheated   #lies   #stds  

I took attention seeking to the next level I pertended to have a stalker for 3 years to get guys attention and I'd make fake accounts to show them messges of what happened and stuff and they would fight with the fakes accounts which were me

#lies   #attention   #fake   #stalker  

i lie all the time about loads of tiny things and i can't remember what the truth about my life is anymore

#lies   #liar   #truth  

Ever since I was a kid I’ve lied. Little and big for no particular reason. Sometimes I get bored so I tell lies. They don’t always affect anyone, and sometimes I don’t tell people. Other times they do hurt people. I’ve lost friends to lies but at this point I can’t stop.

#lies   #evil   #sinner  

I am 20 years old, female and i have had some relationships. The thing is, i am now single and quite dissapointed...why do guys act this hypocritically? I always say to them when we start dating that i really dont fuck from the first dates and that i dont believe all the things i hear like "oh i love you so much". But they will either say "common, i wont try to pressure you" or "plz be with me, im in love". The exact moment you start to believe in them, POOF! They show their true colors. I wish i could find some sweet guy i could trust, but that wont happen

#guys   #hypocritical   #lies  

I am a big liar.

I came to a point that I am living the life I lied about and completely forgotten who I really am.

I quit my job, I am flying to a different country and hoping that this will help me to start over. Start a truthful life.


I was in a long distance relationship with a girl on and off for the past 6 years or so. We sent nudes and all that shit, However she decided she was going to text my best friend (rip) and ask him if he wanted to see what i sent her. She was clearly obsessed with betraying me and lying to me constantly, so i had to spend my days stalking her online, she used to flirt with guys on stickam (rip stickam) behind my back and get high on cam all while telling me "i dont smoke anymore".

So one day i took a picture of my computer screen and what she was doing and sent it to her. She promised to straighten her shit out, long story short she didn't. after her constant betrayals i spammed her entire dox and nudes all over the internet and encouraged people to call the number. i left a bot on that repeated the message every 3 minutes. i was very hurt, and still am, she kept apologizing and wanting me back so of course i said yeah im sorry too. but a few months later i got sick of her shit AGAIN, so i blocked her number, her reaction was moving to kansas to turn into a drunk, while telling me all kinds of great lies, she got herself pregnant (for the second time, she had an abortion the first time). eventually on her birthday she called me crying like a bitch because nobody cared about her birthday and it was her first taste of the real world.

So for the next 2 years i tried to make things work with her even though she had somebody elses kid now. she didnt understand nor care how much it affected me. we had alot of arguments and instead of calling her a slut or a whore or whatever like i normally would i just started dishing out the truth on her and told her "you arent going to find somebody who wants a 22-23 year old single mother whos a pathological liar, that has fucked an excessive amount of people, is a complete bitch, has a history of drug and alcohol abuse, nobody is going to want you, and after all of that i am still talking to you." apparently she couldnt handle that.

she wanted to be FWB and that lasted all of 5 days. a few months ago she told me "its not going to work between us" so i replied "because im not good enough?" she says "No thats not it" "i want to live in a big house and have nice things and have more kids". I damn near died i just said "so basically im not good enough, sick contradictory statement". I told her i refuse to be friends with her under those circumstances if im going to be friendzoned and never given a legitimate chance at making a life with her.

I keep having dreams about her, i dont know what my problem is because i cant stop loving her, i wish i could, and i wish i could get over what she has done to me, i wish i could go more than 4 months without trying to talk to her. Hopefully this outlet will help me move on and i will find somebody who is actually worthy of my affection.

yes i know i didnt use proper punctuation and i dont care.

#betrayal   #lies   #unfaithfulness   #selfishness  

I mess with people. Tell jokes. Pick. Annoy. Not in real life. People with influence. Not in a mean way. To challenge their thoughts. My goal is to slip in thoughts to audiences that don’t expect it. Homelessness. Health care for the poor. Disabilities. Gays.
I’m trying to help make the world a better place. But I stretch the truth and crack jokes to do it. Lying is wrong. But if your lies don’t hurt others; and do help others, is that fully wrong?
I can’t tell the truth. I’m disabled and a loser. No one likes to talk to me in real life. I’m an outcast. So I pretend to be s person someone would want to talk to. Not for me. I’m doomed. But for others. I just want the world to love each other a little more.


As a kid I always caught flies and other bugs to rip their wings and legs out. After that, I drew "funny" things on them with my window colours.

#flies   #bugs   #wings   #legs   #torture   #draw   #confession  

I pretended to be a guy in an online relationship because the guy I like is bisexual with a preference towards guys, so I lied about my name my age and my gender, I just told him the truth and he said he still loves me

#lies   #gender  

For over a year I’ve been leaving comments and stuff on the net. Part of it was looking for someone. So id leave these crazy stories. The hope was some one who needed me would reach out. Well it worked. They just called up out of the blue. Sadly they need me much more than I thought. I’ll try my best to help, but a lot of damage is done. So sad. Good person that just needed someone to help and love them. Prayers that God will heal this person.
There’s other people who need my help too, one desperately so. I’m trying to help them too. Prayers that God will help me help all of them.
I did try to do good along the way too. I played roles and games. Pretended to be things I’m not.
The goal was to get some positive change. I think I did that.
The pandemic forced us all to try to survive. I played roles: a conservative; a liberal; a moderate; a victim; a funny person, all with various goals.
I wanted to be helpful; educate, and entertain. Try to help the world survive, & myself have interaction. I’ve had basically no human interaction for over a year. So these comments were my inter action with the world.
It’s so strange to see yourself have an impact. At least mine seemed to be for greater good on versions scales.

#hope   #help   #lies  

I mess with people who believe in UFOs. I think it helps them. They need to realize they probably aren’t real.
I know a woman who thinks she’s a witch. Thing is. She thinks she does stuff. But nothing happens. She deludes herself.
Worked with a lady who thought her dead grandma planted crops in her yard.
Many brains don’t work right. They see what’s not there. It’s only there in their minds.


I don't know my own gender. I tell people online that my name is Zach but it's not. I'm biologically a woman. My friends know that I'm trans. I think I'm a man. I usually tell myself I'm a man but there's this voice in the back of my head that shouts that I'm a woman. I don't know what to believe. Maybe I'm gender-fluid? I don't really feel like a woman at all but how do I know if I'm really trans. Is there a way of knowing? I know about dysphoria, and I think I have it but what if I don't? I believe I have it seeing as I hate my body. I don't like my curves, I've kinda gained some weight, and not to mention genitalia. It's odd how there's nothing there. I don't know if that's normal or not. I just think it's weird how there's nothing between my legs. My chest keeps growing. I'm 14 and almost a D cup. I'm not overweight either. I don't know if this is gender dysphoria or just normality. I don't constantly feel weird in my body though; it's very on and off. My boyfriend sees me as a woman but that's a rant for another day. What do I do? Do I ask my mother for me to see a gender therapist? What if she says no? I don't want her knowing.

#trans   #ftm   #lies   #confused   #gender  

I am in love with a married man. We met on a "fling" site and he told me up front he was in an open marriage. At first i declined him but we talked more and i really liked him. We met at a hotel and had sex and first time wasnt all that great. It was really hot in the room and the lights were on and i just wasnt feeling it. After that I ended it and for 2 wks didnt talk to him but i always thought of him. I reached out and after a week of on and off talking we decided to meet up again. I was about to move out of state with my husband my husband was actually coming in the next morning to drive our truck and I got a hotel room and he met me and we had the most mind blowing sex i have ever had. Everything i thought about its like he knew and did. I have never climaxed this way with anyone. We had sex for 2 hrs I rode his cock, he pounded me every which way, he was the most amazing kisser and i could have gone longer but he had to go. I said goodbye knowing this is last time for me cheating. I left and he knows nothing about my husband i just told him i was visiting family. He text me while i was gone and i told him i had to stay a little longer. 3 weeks go by on and off talking and I miss him so much. I fly in to see him under guise of a work trip and he meets me at my hotel and we had the 2nd most amazing sex of my life. I never knew what an orgasm felt like but he gave me one that night. The way he fucks me its amazing he takes me every way possible and then he kisses me and i could get lost in his lips. I went back to life and still off and on talking a few more weeks go by and i fly in to see him just for day my husband has no idea im even out of town. We fucked like rabbits and I was ready to give up everything for him. He admitted his marriage was on rocks but everytime she text him he wld respond while with me. When i went home i felt like shit thinking he doesnt feel the same so i ended things and basically gave him opportunity to tell
Me he wants me in his life. He never even responded back. I feel so empty i check my phone daily hoping he will text or call its been 4 days. I guess i get what i deserve since he never knew truth about me.

#sex   #adultery   #lies  

I told my friend i looked skinny but i was actually really fat when I told her this we later on had a fight so she decided she would tell everyone so I started making up some lies about her.

That's what you get.

#lies   #fat   #annoying   #ugly   #promise   #betrayal  

I have been dating this boy for a month now. I don't like him romantically but he's my first boyfriend and vice versa. He's a good person and I love him as a person but today he confessed he loved me. I don't love him back. I feel awful but I don't want to hurt him.

#lies   #dating  

Pray and roll the dice for #lies

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