
Gender Confessions

Read the best #gender confession stories

My first day of kindergarten, my teacher Mr.Joel says "Alright we are going on a field trip to the national park ,so I need a girls to board the bus first then boys!"
I wasn't paying attention and I got on the bus first. Mr Joel approached me and sarcastically ask."Excuse me Gregory, are you a girl or boy? "I don't know I said". That moment , that question confused the fuck out of me for the rest of my life. I mean i have a penis but I don't like to look at it because it looks icky. My mom was shitting on the toilet and I was standing in the doorway naked when I was 3 years old telling her I pooped my diaper and all she said was ah fuck not again just like fucking father and she slammed the door and my penis got caught in between it. I screamed and my neighbors took me to the hospital because my mother refused to drive drunk and high. The doctors put ice on it and sent me home. But by the time we got home my mom was asleep so my neighbors made me sleep when there son picaru was two years older the me. I didn't sleep Much that night cause picaru kept sticking Lego's and a hot wheels cars up my butthole and he would tie string around my injured penis and attach to a fishing rod and he would yank hard and reel it up until the line broke. Everytime I screamed he told his parents I was having bad dreams so his dad took off my clothes and laid me on his lap in the living room while we both watched the entire Andy Griffith show season one all night. He didn't molest me or assault me but he did kiss me on the lips a lot and call me 'judy Ann' and 'honey' a lot. Judy Ann was his dead wife's name.fucked up part is the when he drove me to the hospital he hit my dog spider and he promised he would check on him once we got back. I never saw spider again :(.

#death   #assault   #abandoned   #injury   #abuse   #drugs   #trauma   #transgender  

Chicks with dicks are so cute. I wish more of them wanted to keep it. Im really good at rubbing mine. I want to share my skill. And try giving a blow job.

#transgender   #blowjob   #handjob  

I'm a 16 year old gay transman. I want to have sex badly with another guy[bottom], but I'm afraid because I'm trans, and because I'm not interested in casual sex, or a desire based on the fact that I'm trans and they've "never had sex with a transguy before."

I have the desire, I want to satisfy the desire, but I want it to be with someone who loves and accepts me for who I am. If I was gay and cis, that would be easier, but I can't make any moves because I'm afraid of being played.

#gay   #transmale   #transgender   #sex   #love  

I'm transgender and I was raised my my transphobic grandmother. She means everything to me, she always protected me from my abusive parents and she has never shown me anything but love my entire life. But I can't be honest with her about who I am because she would hate me and I don't know if I could deal with that. She always tells me I'm the only one who really cares about her (my parents are cruel and she doesn't have any living relatives) and that she's so glad to have me. I don't want to just abandon her when I can finally leave home but I dont know if I could handle the heartbreak of her hating me.

#transgender   #grandparent   #grandmother   #abuse  

I can’t stop. Everything fucking hurts. I can’t sleep. I never stop hurting myself. Sometimes I don’t remember doing it and I wake up with cuts or burns.

I keep putting matches out on my hands, I cut, I put my hands into boiling water, I binge and then make myself throw up until I’m coughing up blood, and now I’m constantly thinking about stabbing my self, or cutting off my chest. (I’m FtM transgender). I can’t stop thinking about doing it. My chest is wrapped in bandages and duct tape. My ribs hurt so much but I can’t stop. I can’t stop.

#help   #suicidal   #selfharm   #suicide   #ftm   #trans   #ftmtrans   #transgender   #harm  

I pretended to be a guy in an online relationship because the guy I like is bisexual with a preference towards guys, so I lied about my name my age and my gender, I just told him the truth and he said he still loves me

#lies   #gender  

I am a 25 year old male and I fantasize about being dressed up like a little girl. I would give anything for someone to feminize me.

#fetish   #crossdressing   #transgender  

I was born in 90s. It wasn't until 2015 when noticed a change in society. I really don't understand transgender people or kids deciding to be transgender. I honestly feel bad for them. I feel like they are misguided and have no clue what they are doing. I also feel like they are insecure in there own skin which is why they decided to do this. In my eyes when I hear a kid wants to be transgender I feel like the parents failed them. A kids mind is able to understand things and its been proven time and time again. I wouldn't have a problem with transgender people if kids weren't apart of it. I think its wrong for a society to allow a kid to get surgery. When the mind is fully developed then they can do it! I feel like the transgender community is trying to push a agenda!!

So yeah I just wanted to get this off my chest

#trans   #transgender  

I'm a 22 yo transwoman (mtf). i've never told anyone but i lost my virginity to my next-door neighbor who i knew all my life and was like a second dad. When I was little he was my baseball coach. I started transitioning when i was young, my parents were ok with it and since i hadn't really finished puberty yet it helped to make me more feminine. I used to go to his house after school since both my parents worked and i used do my homework and watch tv. One Friday my parents were going out after work so i was gonna stay by him until later that night. It was a regular day. i came over, went in the pool. came in and had dinner and we watched tv. from swimming i was kinda tired so i started leaning and snuggling with him while we watched a movie.

He said I could lay down if i wanted which i did only i rested my head in his lap. I laid there and he stared rubbing my back and then he started going further down to my butt. i liked it and just went with it and started rubbing his leg. my head was on his lap so i noticed he was started to get hard. to this day i do know where i got the guys but moved my hand up and started rubbing his dick, over his shorts. he then moved his hand from my back towards my barely existent boobs. im sure he could see and feel my nipples get hard because he was focusing on them and it felt so good. no one had ever touched me like that before and i got so horny that i lifted myself up and pulled his dick out and started sucking it. Before long he gently pushing his cock in my ass. i had been "practicing" by myself for a while but i wasn't prepared. it hurt at first but then it felt good. it wasn't too long before he came in me. when it was all done i think he was afraid but i told him i wouldn't tell anyone. this became a regular thing for a while until he had moved. I just had to get this out, i've never told anyone before.

#virginity   #neighbor   #transgender   #mtf   #sex  

I’m a minor and I’m transgender (FtM). I’ve been “out” to my family for a year, and to friends for about three years. I’m struggling so much, my mom doesn’t support me and says shes “doing it cause she loves me.” I hate to even think about it but a lot of the time I find myself thinking of suicide, or “DIY top surgery” (pretty much stabbing myself). The thoughts haunt me at night, I can’t sleep because I can’t stop the intrusive thoughts. I’m typing this at 2:44 am. As cheesy as it sounds I always knew I wasn’t a girl, and the first time I tried to kill my self I was 12. Then again at 13. And again at 15 etc. I can’t take hormones or do anything to further my transition, the only thing I’ve been able to do is cut my hair. Clothes wise, the only masculine clothes I have are my dead dad’s, and my room still looks the same as when I was 9 years old and sitting in here makes me just want to end it because I’ll never be in the right body.

Thanks for listening I guess? Sorry for how depressing this is.

#transgender   #trans   #ftm   #transftm   #minor   #suicide   #depression   #selfharm  

I am a 60 year old man. I so wish I had been born a female, all my life I have been living a lie


I am bulimic. I make myself throw up and no one knows it.


I've been paying this transgender (mtf) girl to sleep with me. Shes fucking hot. Shes tall with Long blue hair. Just curvy enough to have a booty. We get super high and she gives me the absolute best blow jobs. No anal yet because I'm too thick. But she's been practicing.

#transgender   #prostitution   #blowjobs   #anal  

When I was 11 my mom was out of town about 200+ days a year for her job and my neighbor invited me to stay at his house when he was out of town it went from there I got paid to dress up as a girl and have sex with my neighbor, and you know what it was actually nice. I grew up in a poor fucked up home and it was nice to have money and to feel loved we kinda dated til I was 14 and got sent to a "Christian Gender Education" camp by my grandma. before that camp I was happy I looked so much like a girl when we went shopping and on beach trips Not more than 2-3 people probably thought I was a guy on our trips even in swimwear, I understand that I should hate him but I actually had plans in my life at that point he had started giving me hormones when I turned 12 I was becoming beautiful and I was saving up money from his friends for a reassignment surgery when I turned 18 and one of my neighbors doctor clients was going to examine me and tell my mom that I had a hormone issue that covered my changes since mom was starting to notice. Is it bad that I wish we hadn't been found out looking back? I would have been really different but I think happy. TC

#education   #prostitution  

I came out as transgender male a while ago and most of my school just sees me as a biological guy and doesn’t question it but there’s a good portion that still know though. I like this girl who moved here recently and I’ve been talking to her nonstop and I’m falling hard for her. I just don’t know how to tell her I’m transgender

#trans   #transgender   #dating   #ftm   #lgbt   #help   #advice  

I don't know my own gender. I tell people online that my name is Zach but it's not. I'm biologically a woman. My friends know that I'm trans. I think I'm a man. I usually tell myself I'm a man but there's this voice in the back of my head that shouts that I'm a woman. I don't know what to believe. Maybe I'm gender-fluid? I don't really feel like a woman at all but how do I know if I'm really trans. Is there a way of knowing? I know about dysphoria, and I think I have it but what if I don't? I believe I have it seeing as I hate my body. I don't like my curves, I've kinda gained some weight, and not to mention genitalia. It's odd how there's nothing there. I don't know if that's normal or not. I just think it's weird how there's nothing between my legs. My chest keeps growing. I'm 14 and almost a D cup. I'm not overweight either. I don't know if this is gender dysphoria or just normality. I don't constantly feel weird in my body though; it's very on and off. My boyfriend sees me as a woman but that's a rant for another day. What do I do? Do I ask my mother for me to see a gender therapist? What if she says no? I don't want her knowing.

#trans   #ftm   #lies   #confused   #gender  

Pray and roll the dice for #gender

Confessions by