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Fake Confessions

Read the best #fake confession stories


I self harm, I now know that isn't the most logical answer but for people who still do
Stay strong, you'll win this battle/battles

The only person I EVER told was my best friend. I refused to show her since it was THAT terrible. The next day we met up and she said that she self harms too(which hurts me more than anything) it was on her wrists . I was convinced she slit her wrists until I really looked at her arm. She lied. She then responded with
"Well you lied too since you didn't show me your scars"
So, I did
She looked and me and sniggered
"You're honestly ridiculous. And you're black . I thought black people don't cut"
Those words fucked me up more than ANYTHING

I heard that she is spreading it around our school which is my fear.

This is one of the main reasons I don't trust people anymore.


As I had for many years, I thought a little lust in the mind wouldn't hurt.
So for years, like almost anyone, there was some brain lust as I'll call it. But after a while, I think the real things kicked in. Real lust , not just being OK thinking about it. Well, this wasn't something I felt OK about.
But when I finally let go of my guilt. The lust started to go away.
My mind & soul were never tainted. And for me it was definitely a different experience. But I knew he was never anyone I'd kiss or anything else. That was what made it easier. I promised I'd never act on my feelings. I think , he mostly felt that way too. I'd have to much to
lose and very lttle to gain to have a relationship ant this time.

#lust   #desire  

I took attention seeking to the next level I pertended to have a stalker for 3 years to get guys attention and I'd make fake accounts to show them messges of what happened and stuff and they would fight with the fakes accounts which were me

#lies   #attention   #fake   #stalker  

I haven't been truly honest about my life, but the thing is do I really have to?
My perception towards life was just a momentary thing, to entertain me, to give me pleasure.
Attachment was never an option, I lied in every aspect about me —towards my friends, my family and to my lover.
And the sad thing about it is that I don't feel any sort of guilt, not an ounce of remorse.
Lying became a part of my life and I wasn't doing anything to stop it.

#lies   #friends   #faker  

I did something horrible. There's this website and there you are able to fake text-messages and stuff, so like pretending to be someone else.

I sent nasty messages to my ex boyfriend. He cheated on me with another girl several months ago and since then, those two are inseperable, they love each other so much, I could throw up...
So back to the story, I wrote him some sms, pretending to be his girlfriend. He now thinks she broke up with him and no one has heard of him since (this happened 2 days ago).
He had some problems with alcohol and drugs before and I now fear that he's drinking and smoking again.

I confess I am a jealous bitch.

#horrible   #jealous   #bitch   #alcohol   #drugs   #text   #sms   #fake  

I catfish people. I have many catfish profiles and catfish multiple people a day. There's lots things that led up to me doing this but none of them excuse me for doing this awful thing to people. It's almost like an addiction now, I think my loner personality it what really led to this but there's also reasons why I'm a loner. I have a bunch of profiles of fake people but I guess it's not that hard to keep up since I'm so determined. Most people I only talk to for less than a week. My biggest hit was leading a guy and a girl on for many months then disappearing without any reason. They begged "me" to come back but they started to bore me. I almost feel bad cause I know I hurt them, but they're just 2 people. I usually pick really pretty but not too pretty girls and average good looking guys to pose as. It's basically my life. Soon as I get home from school I log into all my profiles and there it begins. I get a big rush from it, probably like an addict getting high. It makes me feel so good inside, but then I remember it's not really me. Breaking peoples heart that have done me wrong, or made me feel less than just does something. Catfishing is also kinda my way for revenge. It all sounds dumb and crazy but it distracts me from my real life for a while.

#catfish   #lie   #fake   #revenge  

I just had sex with my boyfriend and I simulated an orgasm.

#orgasm   #fake   #sex   #boyfriend   #secret  

Female, 13.
I have around 10 fake accounts on Facebook. I like it to talk to strange boys, sexting with them and stuff.
It just turns me on.

#facebook   #confession   #sexting  

I confess that I would love to punch those fake confessors out there in the face.
Some of those confessions can't be real!
I guess they are just bored or something...

#hate   #fake   #punch   #face   #confession   #anonymous  

Yes you who are reading your mother also put fake allegations to defend her sister..(my mother do) I am really depressed.


When I was moving to secondary school I had plenty of friends and was always the centre of attention but as soon as I moved to secondary I started to fade away like nobody notice me so at the time I thought it would be a great idea to fake my depression/suicidal thoughts to get attention I would post on social media about how I wanted to die and that nobody cared about me anymore. And it worked I was getting a lot of attention and I loved it until my childhood best friend who meant a lot to me went and told my parents I know she was only doing it to protect me but the only reason I stated doing this so she would give me more attention, I felt like shit my parents asked me why I was posting this stuff and I couldn’t tell them the real reason because I was to embarrassed and I thought they would hate me for it so I just told them that I was being bullied. I said that I was being picked on by 4 boys which I kinda was but it was only inside jokes they would call me 4 eyes and pick on me put we always saw it as a joke so I just blamed it on that, and it worked my parents told the school about the boys and they were punished and I felt so bad I actually thought about killing myself but after all this my parents took me out of school to home school me this was the worst point of my life.
My best friend slowly drifted from me I was losing all my friends and I had no one left, my parents put me into therapy (it didn’t work because there was nothing to work on). A whole year goes by of me being home schooled I’m trapped indoors most of the time because my parents won’t let me go out and I couldn’t use social media anymore so I had no way of contacting my best friend, at this point my mental state started deteriorating I was going insane until I finally snapped and ran away. I wasn’t gone for long as I had no where to go but the first place I went to was to go see my best friend she lived quite close to me so it wasn’t really a problem so I went to go see her but she didn’t want to see me I was confused until I talked to another close friend of mine and released that the whole school knew I was faking my depression for attention my heart sank because I knew that everybody would hate me now and I would lose everyone. After all this I went home and my parents were talking to the police because they were scared that I was gonna try kill myself, when I got inside the house my parents told me that they are sending me to hospital to be put on suicidal watch i didn’t want to go but I had to while I was there I saw my phone in my mothers bag and I grabbed it to try msg my best friend and explain things but when I logged into Instagram I saw hate groups mate for me saying that I should actually kill myself I felt awful but what made me hate myself even more is the fact that my best friend had blocked me and sent me a message saying that she wanted nothing to do with me my heart sank. I had lost everything I had nothing left I just wanted the pain that I caused to end so I stood up and ran to the canteen, the canteen didn’t have anything sharp in it other than the knifes they were not to sharp to stop people from killing themselves but I made it work I grabbed one and ran to the toilets I quickly locked the door some of the nurses noticed what i was doing and tried kicking down the door, I tried slitting my throught with the knife but it wouldn’t go deep enough and by the time I managed to make the knife sharp enough they had already broken down the door I was taken away from there and put into a mental hospital where I have stayed for 4 years I don’t know what my ex friends are up to now but all I know is they don’t care about me anymore no one does and it’s all my fault I only wanted my best friend to show me more attention because deep down I loved her but I was to afraid to tell her.

Sorry about the really bad English and grammar I haven’t really learned much seeing as most of my time as been spent in this hell hole my hour on the phone is nearly up so I got to go but if I was to give you a life lesson do not fake mental illness for attention it completely fucked up my life and I don’t think i will ever be able to reedem myself goodbye

And Izzy if your reading this I’m sorry I always loved you but I was to afraid to say it maybe in another life I wouldn’t be so selfish and just puck up the corage to ask you out.

#depression   #bestfriend   #love   #suicidal   #suicide   #attention   #fake  

Everyone thinks we are ideal gay couple- a model for straight and gay people to follow.

Truth is, I've been cheating on my husband since I started dating him. I lost count of the number of cocks I've sucked or had up my ass- or how many mouths and asses I've fucked.

I've cheated on him at my job, in public bathrooms, at porno theaters, and in our own bed.

I look for sex on the street, at work, online, and even with some of our mutual friends- especially those married to women.

I still love him more than anything and I dread the day that he finds out.

#adultery   #betrayal   #fake  

i just hate when you treat me like that 💔 its make me breakdown and depressed, can you thinking about my feeling yet? ,no i think you'll never.

#ignorance   #depressed   #fakefriend  

I confess I am not happy.

#people   #fake   #friends   #not   #money   #years  

this is just 1 example of abuse I noticed on youtube like with some of the make up women. how jeffree star wants every woman looking uglier then him out of sexual jealousy , and how they made that jacklyn girl fat and others, but hailey reese was set up by loey lane, they wanted to make her fat . she drinks too much wine and iud etc to get her fat . its all to do with the people your around they want to make you a 2-0 version of them. and don't believe a thing they say about being stalked etc. everything is lies on youtube land. all fake bad actors playing games on everyone. they are playing some evil twins games on heaps of people. I had it done on me. I have been trying to tell people about this for ages and no one would listen to me. they also even did it to my parents and my other relatives. so be on the look out .

stay away from angry people. fat people. poor people. black people. people who have been in jail or on drugs cuz they can swap and steal your health and income and physical appearance and even intelligences. so be on the look out.

I don't know who is behind it. I think its either something asian or arab or indian or tribal witchery.

look around your office and neighborhood or relatives and notice how faces change and how they will bring in character actors to play bit parts and you will see heights , ages, and ethnic looks change. just be on the look out all the time for alien like personalities attacking you and most of them are rich surgeons on youtube faking at being really dumb and ripping every nice person off for their houses and bank savings .

they can even move lottery wins over to the wrong people. so that is why some people keep winning millions all the time and you don't.

#fakers   #and   #evil   #games  

I told one of my friends that I was depressed when I was 11 because my mum and dad had a divorce. Except they didn’t and they’re happily married. It’s been on my mind a lot and honestly it really bugs me. I don’t want to tell her because we’re really close and I don’t want to ruin our friendship. I told her my sister didn’t know so don’t ask her but I’m scared she’s gonna bring it up in conversation.😬 what should I do

#secrets   #lies   #bad   #fake   #ashames  

Me and my wife got divorced this year. At court, I showed my fake ID the authorities, but they didn't notice anything. I could have shown them a picture of Daisy Duck and they wouldn't have noticed it.

#divorce   #fake   #id   #authorities  

Hi, I’m 15 and this is my confession. This girl at my school (we used to be friends until she backstabbed me), she turned some of my friends against me to the point where they act like I’m some deadly disease. I know sh eturned them against me because she’s done the same thing before, but with other old ‘friends’ of mine. She likes making my life hell. Whenever I vent about how she’s making my life hell, I just start imagining her dying and feeling (happy I guess). I know I shouldn’t even be thinking that, but I hate her so much, my brain just decide to please itself with her dying and suffering for everything she’s put me through. She always describes me as the devil even though she is. I don't know I guess imaging her going through pain and suffering is a beautiful painting to me. I know I seem like a psycho talking like this. But, I can’t talk to anyone about this, so yeah.

#hatred   #vent   #intrusivethoughts   #fakefriends  

I really don’t like this girl and she’s always kind of rude to everyone, but I try to be nice to her. Today she kept on being really nosy, and later on I started trash talking her to all my friends who then starting making jokes about her and saying how stupid she is. I feel bad for being fake like that, even if I didn’t like the girl. I shouldn’t have pretended to be her friend, and I certainly shouldn’t have talked about her like that. I feel so much guilt and I wish I could go back.

#fakefriend   #fake   #gossip  

sometimes fake friend makes me feel sick and tired, so i fakeing my death, i not contact them for about 2 week, and i cameback, tell them that " i wasn't marie" yes i acting. and fakeing my death, to make them feel guilty, sad, and loss

#despair   #death   #fake   #friend  

Pray and roll the dice for #fake

Confessions by

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