
Cuckhold Confessions

Read the best #cuckhold confession stories

I was my girlfriends first but I always jerk off to the thought of her with other guys. I imagine her tongue kissing them and them feeling her big boobs or her huge ass. I picture her sucking there cocks and riding there dicks till she cums. Idk why but it’s just a turn on. Even when she is giving me head I imagine im some random fuck boy using her to get off. Even when we fuck i think in my head how much a different guy would love to feel her insides like this. Obviously I love her so I don’t really want her to be with anyone else. Im very jealous about it. But at the same time I’d love for her to get completely used and dominated by other guys. Have her feel bigger ducks go deep inside her making her toes curl. I’d love that

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Me and my girlfriend are 20 and recently we were on a break. It only lasted a week before we got back together. But during that week one night she drove an hour with her friend to smoke with this guy and she said she tongue kissed the guy for a minute. But that’s all she did. I was shocked but a little turned on deep down. I forgave her because I assumed it was just an emotional decision and I gave her a second chance since technically it was during our break. She met the guy because her friend used to fuck him and he apparently has a huge dick. So knowing my girlfriend drove an hour to get high with him and then gave him her tongue is kinda hot. If she sucked his cock or fucked him I would have wanted to cum to the idea.

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Basically I have an ex girlfriend called Cassidy who I didn't realise how much I loved before I let her go and hurt her, but my first ever proper love before her a girl called Chloe she hurt me and passed the bad habits on to me when i was sat in months of pain I met Cassidy and we were all good for about a year and ye I got aggressive and I cheated on her and let her go but then she got really aggressive back and for that with this new boyfriend after me and she rubbed it in my face I knew she was gonna have sex with him but ye things are worse cos her sister was pornstar and I couldn't help but wank over her sister and now I fantasize about boys doing and writing stories about my ex meeting up with her new boyfriend and wanting know how they meet and talk and have sex I've been really looking for somone help and write stories about Cassidy having sex with her new boyfriend.

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I’m soooo torn. Part of me wants to watch my girlfriend get a huge dick inside her and to watch her moan and cum on a guys dick. But another part of me never wants her to be touched by another guy again. I know if I gave her permission she would probably think about it because I was her first and only sex. But I would just love the idea of her getting her guts rearranged by some random dudes huge cock as her eyes roll back and her toes curl up. Just the thought her trying to hold back moans as she gets her pussy stretched gets me so hard. I want her to kiss other guys and suck them and then take there ducks inside her. Her pussy feels so good it’s be wrong to hog it all myself.

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I’ve had a tickle fetish for years. I’m straight and not attracted to men at all but I had to reach out to a gay friend of mine from work and ask him if he can help me satisfy my urges. Once a month we get a hotel and do fetish stuff. For a while he would just tie me up and tickle me for hours. I would let him give me handjobs and oral so he could have fun too. But now it’s grown into something bigger. Not only does he tickle my feet like crazy and tickle me everywhere else, but he added other stuff to our regimen. I’m so obsessed and turned on by tickling I had no other choice. Usually I’m tied spread eagle and gagged and blindfolded. He tickles me for a while and now he plays with my asshole and fucks me. And then he’ll jerk me off and give me extreme post orgasm torture. He even busts my balls a lot with some slaps. I’m a slave to my fetish.

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I fantasize about other men ducking my wife.


I get turned on imaging my girlfriend fucking other guys. She has only been with me and I’m her first. But just the stories of her kissing other guys would make me hard. I want to give away her panties so creepy guys can smell her and rub her pussy juice on there cocks. She’s thick and has a big ass. If I could watch guys cream inside her and make her cum on top of them I would cum soooo much. But at the same time I’d get jealous. So I guess I’ll have to keep imaging it.

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Pray and roll the dice for #cuckhold

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