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Catfish Confessions

Read the best #catfish confession stories

I think it would be weirdly hot to be catfished, some of the girls on there are white trash cute. Something about it just gets me going, maybe the fact that they are so insecure. Who knows?

#catfish   #online   #trash  

I pretended to be this girl I'm friend's with on fb. This went along for year, but it wasn't to find love or anything serious. It was just to have people talk to me and think I'm great and also beautiful. I feel bad for this now........

#catfish   #lie   #regret  

I catfish people. I have many catfish profiles and catfish multiple people a day. There's lots things that led up to me doing this but none of them excuse me for doing this awful thing to people. It's almost like an addiction now, I think my loner personality it what really led to this but there's also reasons why I'm a loner. I have a bunch of profiles of fake people but I guess it's not that hard to keep up since I'm so determined. Most people I only talk to for less than a week. My biggest hit was leading a guy and a girl on for many months then disappearing without any reason. They begged "me" to come back but they started to bore me. I almost feel bad cause I know I hurt them, but they're just 2 people. I usually pick really pretty but not too pretty girls and average good looking guys to pose as. It's basically my life. Soon as I get home from school I log into all my profiles and there it begins. I get a big rush from it, probably like an addict getting high. It makes me feel so good inside, but then I remember it's not really me. Breaking peoples heart that have done me wrong, or made me feel less than just does something. Catfishing is also kinda my way for revenge. It all sounds dumb and crazy but it distracts me from my real life for a while.

#catfish   #lie   #fake   #revenge  

I'm convincing a guy to leave his parents and come to live with me but I'm gonna give him a fake address and hes gonna be stuck here with no one so I'm making someone homeless

#catfish   #gay  

I’ve been catfishing people as my ex gf for years. Using her photos and all.

#hot   #catfish   #exposure  

I live in a small town in the southern states. I'm a male age 15. 2 years ago me and my good friend were talking about girlfriends. I'm regretfuly saying for 2 years I've been catfishing my friend playing the role as two other girls on my other mobile phone.

#catfish   #lie   #regret  

Pray and roll the dice for #catfish

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