
Breaking Confessions

Read the best #breaking confession stories

I (m/19) broke into the apartment of my neighbour. I live in a big complex with a lot of apartments and this particular neighbour lives right next to me. He's always listening to his fucking death metal the whole night and that so loud that you can't understand your own word. He's so fucking annoying. When he's not listening to music, he's talking louding to himself or his pet snakes or something. He can't keep quiet and that's just fucking annoying. So, I broke into his apartment and destroyed his stereo system and all his electronic devices he can use to play music on. He already called the police but he's got nothing on me. I think as soon as he renews his stuff I am going to break in again and destroy everything once more.

#destroying   #neighbour   #apartment   #loud   #annoying   #confession   #breakingandentering   #police  

Recently I have done some damage to some girls new car.. she had a new black Kia Soul and she got a promotion over me and I was really mad and I let my anger get the best of me.. I was walking in the parking lot and I had seen her car and got angry and decided to take my car key and run is long the trunk of her new Kia.. scratching the paint like 8 inches long I figured it wasn't enough and I stepped on her exhaust pipe and snapped it down to the ground, and then i took my key again and scratched the side of her Kia from top to bottom on the driver side in the back..

#vandalism   #keying   #breaking  

I confess that I paid my mother’s money without my mother knowing. I confess that I masturbate, play games, watch pornography, listen to music, steal, eat past 12 and watch movie while I was a monk. I still masturbate and watch pornography now. I confess that I still steal now. I confess that I sometimes lie or bend or twist the truth. I confess that I have broken the precept and Karmaboth 10. I confess. I am so sorry.


I shouldn't feel this way. I know that. I have no reason to. But I do. Whenever I'm with my 'friends' I feel like I'm not good enough. *Kylee is temperamental and hits me whenever I'm not good enough, like if I mock her, make a witty comment, or say or do anything the slightest bit offensive. *Sarah is just so frustrating. She doesn't know when is enough. *Tyler always- I don't even know what it is. He tries to get me angry, he just says things that get under my skin, and he never stops.
I'm going crazy. I can't even express what I'm feeling. My mind is a mess. But I'll tell you this: Every "I'm fine" or "Yeah, just tired" is a lie. Ever time I'm happy, I feel like I shouldn't be.
I hate that I have a wonderful life. I'm smart and athletic, and I always have things going on. I feel selfish for trying to die, even though I've tried before. But no one's noticed the cuts on my wrists. They're not deep, not lethal, but deep enough to scar, which is what I want. I want to live with proof that I'm stronger, because I've to hell and back enough times that I've started keeping count with cuts on my arm.
And I hate that I'm only 13.

#suicide   #crazy   #young   #breaking  

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