
Beat Confessions

Read the best #beat confession stories

My wife of 14 years is a fat cow. She's about 5ft. 6in, weighs about 220lbs. She has F cup tits and a big, loose, hairy pussy. I force her to do sex things she doesn't want because she turned so fat and ugly. When she was young and hot I did anything she wanted, now it's her turn. When she disobeys me I make her take her punishment. She must put her hands behind her back and lean over at the waist. I then punch her tits from side to side really hard, full force with my fists. They get bruised and I usually end by fucking her from behind.

I have now bought an old cow milker, and hook up her udders to it and make her get milked by the machine for 30 minutes every day. Her nipples have gotten huge, her clit is next.

#sm   #bd  

Don’t care about Heaven anymore.
My entire life I’ve been a good person. Endlessly helped others. Saved lives.
But my life was a nightmare. Dad tried to kill me because I’m disabled. Mom gave me away for being disabled. Many years of torture & sex abuse.
I overcame it all; only to have a disease that slowly took everything.
Fought for years. Finally got a transplant. I thanked God. I’d loved Jesus my whole life. Now I had a second chance. I was going to give my all to my family. My wife divorced me. Keeps my kids from me.
One of my children almost died & is having trouble dealing with world. Ex got so upset she may die. Other kids depressed now. All of that because her mom moved next to us & caused endless problems.
I’m so sick but can’t afford doctors. Can’t afford to eat. Homeless.
I’m tired. I’m alone. I’m hungry. I’m wet. I’m cold. I just don’t care anymore.
I tried my best. People are alive because I saved their lives. I fed the homeless. I fought for the weak.
But God you don’t seem to care about me. I’m tired of people laughing at my disabilities. Laughing at how I talk. How I walk. How I do things. I act like I think it’s funny too. But it makes me sad.
I loved the whole world. I prayed for everyone in the whole world. But no one seems to love me.
I’m going to try to do a few last kind deeds before I die. But I’m tired of the PTSD. It was bad enough being tortured & raped over & over for years.
God you let them lock me in a dark place all alone for two years. Two years of nothing. No one to talk too. Pitch black. Nearly starved. I was just a little boy God. Why didn’t you love me God?
I worked so much. Helped others. I finally could goto Church. That’s where the nice people were supposed to be.
But even there I was an outcast. Didn’t have enough money to matter to the preachers. Too odd. Too hard to understand. So like always I’d just set there alone. The world just wanted me to be quiet & stay out of the way.
Always treating me like I’m stupid. Treating me like I’m retarded. I’m not. I’m a lot smarter than they ever realized. I just can’t get it out of my mouth right. So they laugh at me and call me stupid.
Well I’m tired of waiting on you to love me God. Tired of waiting on you to help me. Tired of fighting. I don’t want to goto Heaven anymore. No one there will love me either.


I once saw a fight between two girls and saw much more than we expected. To start with one had shorts on, the other had a skirt that kept sliding up flashing her panties with a crowd of guys enjoying the show. Well she ended up getting her skirt and panties turn off, with her girl friends spreading her legs to publicly exhibit her pussy. "Not so tough with your pussy on show" she was telling her, while guys rushed up to see her bush. I remember her whole crotch spread open and even got to see her clit and pussy hole. The whole thing turned into a very sexy free pussy show and plenty of time to check her out. In the end she took of running covering herself with pieces of her skirt that hardly covered anything and guess she humiliated herself all the way home. A real shame they didn't pop her tits out.

#beaten   #stripped   #exhibited   #humiliated  

I hate my family. they're so mean and rude. they never care about me. my mom always beats me and yells at me and my stupid little brother learns from her. my dad is ok. I like my older sister and my two big brothers but my mom and my little brother are a pain. I just hate them.

#family   #beat   #yells   #stupid   #brother  

I was 19 and met a 16 year old girl who was a virgin. She was gorgeous and let me do anything I wanted. When I turned 20 I got my own apartment and she moved in with me, by that time she had let me fuck her and cum in her mouth, pussy, ass, between her C cup titties. I fucked her public, even in front of her best girlfriend. Eventually; I shaved her black pussy hair and had a tattoo put on her just above the start of her pussy lips. "I am - my name-'s cum slut". It was permanent and I knew it, she let me have it done. I made her give the tattoo guy two blowjobs for the tattoo. A little while later we were out of jobs, and had no money so I got her a placement with an escort agency. Soon I would whip her ass and beat her ass and tits out of guilt that she was a prostitute and supporting us I guess. I used a pin and india ink and tattooed a dollar sign on her asscheek, and one on her left tit. It's been two years now she is 19 and still keeps a hot body, I still fuck her in front of her girlfriends, so they can see her tattoos and know she sells herself for sex. We go to nude beaches a lot, sometimes I shave her cunt so everyone can see all her prostitute and slave markings.
I'm really bored with her, and now she's had over 300 cocks in her cunt and about 100 plus in her ass, it's not the same anymore. I want to dump her but need to stay.

#virgin   #public   #slave   #tattoo   #prostitution   #whipping   #beating  

I have a co-worker I would love to beat to death, He interjects in everyone's conversations and is a total know-it-all. He's fucking ugly and gross and makes me sick. He always makes stupid facial expressions when you make eye-contact with him. He's a Star Wars fan and on May 4th he walked around the office saying "May the Fourth be with you. UGH! I just want beat him to a bloody pulp with a baseball bat and dance around in his brains.

#dork   #annoying   #beatdown   #kill   #murder  

I beat my girlfriend more than a few times. She didn’t deserve it, and I’m sorry for any unhappiness or feelings that it may have caused her.

#beat   #abuse   #rage   #control  

The most horrible moment for me was getting beat up by a bunch of bitchy high school girls in vacant lot. I remember them kicking me, dragging me by my hair and telling me they were going to strip me in front of a crowd screaming "get her naked" The next thing I felt was my sweat pants and panties sliding down my legs, boys looking at my pussy and girls telling them to pop out my tits. Ended up in nothing but sneakers humiliating myself curled in a ball on the ground and threatened to be left naked if I refused to stand up. I remember running way with no clothes on or going home like that would totally disgracing, so I stood up an swallowed my shame. "Come on bitch hands up and do a trowel. I did my embarrassing trowel to the delight of boys and "show it all" comments of laughing girls just to get to go home covered up. Felt worthless for weeks knowing that I would be the talk of everyone in school and reporting it would have been even worst. I got beat up, stripped and nothing would erase it and just had to deal with the shame and kept telling everyone it didn't happen. The amazing thing was, even the girls that witnessed it were just as evil as the ones that did it and cheered the whole thing on right along with boys.

#beaten   #nude   #disgrace   #humiliated  

My husband is in prison for beating me. I visited once and said I forgave him and brought a sexy video. He smiled and said he loved me. I played a video of me sucking our best man's cock first then I hold the camera and say I love gagging on cum. I'm going to let your best friend fuck my tight ass in the parking lot. Think about his huge cock pounding your wifes pussy!
Then he sat beside me and said he should see her rub it. She asked if he likes seeing her hold dick. He asked her to not do this and she smiled then said she likes how she doesn't get beat up anymore unless daddy's dick punished her then hand me the phone. He begs me to stop but I tell him we paid the guard to not stop us. Now you are going to watch your wife get a mouth filled with cum. He watched us then cried and apologized. She picked up the phone and said he is a coward and she never loved him. Think about my tight body getting fucked while you rot in here. So hot

#wife   #revenge   #prison   #beating  

I lived alone and would flash this younger guy. I was in my 50s he was in his 30s. I never had sex with him. I did allow him to watch me masturbate with a vibrater through my bedroom window. Then he left.
Another time, I met him at a bookstore and walked around flashing him.I was dressed sexy, no bra or panties, stockings, high heels. His jaw dropped when I whipped out a boob. He reminded me about security cameras. I replied “Do I look like I give a fuck? You know he’s watching beating his meat”. Never saw him again.

#sexy   #flash   #masturbate   #beat  

As a boy every time my dad would see me he’d say God made a mistake when he made me, so my dad wouldn’t take me. I remember him throwing me out as a tiny boy. I’d only see him when he visited my sister.
My mom would say she hated me & would have aborted me had she known id be like this (disabled).
I’d like to say it all worked out well. But they gave me away. I was abused in horrible ways. I was mocked & hurt endlessly in school.
Even now; when I go out & try to function in this world I hear others laugh at me.
I struggled to put stuff in my old beat up car to fix my ex & children’s home. As I struggled some men walked over just to mock me.
I used to fight back sometimes. I don’t even care anymore. I even had a nurse mock some of my stupidity in the hospital this week.
I don’t care anymore. It’s hopeless. I can’t find a way any more. My parents were right about me. God did make me broken.
My sister and mom were mocking me the other day. They laughed at a doll I used to hold as a boy. Called me gay. I’m not gay. I pulled the doll out of the trash because it reminded me of me. I held it and cried for it. I spent my whole life trying to help others. Trying to love others.
I told my sister as they laughed at me that God loves me. She mocked me. Said keep believing that.
But she’s right. God doesn’t love me. Doesn’t protect me. Doesn’t care about me. He did make me broken. Did make a mistake. I shouldn’t exist. He should not have made me. I’m worthless. I have no meaning. No one wants me.


No one loves me. Getting hard to take my meds that keep me alive each day.


In chatrooms, I pretend to be a 12 year old girl and chat with the pedophiles. They always want to meet, I agree and beat them up when they come. It's not a sin, right?

#chatroom   #pedophil   #beat   #sin   #confession  

I was jumped by 3 women and robbed. But I’m way to embarrassed to tell anybody including police. I was walking alone in a park just to get some fresh air. I don’t even live in a bad area. First it was just 1 girl who approached me. She asked if she could use my phone, I pulled my phone out to unlock it when I was hit right in the face from behind. I don’t remember it all but I remember falling down and then feeling them kick me in the head. At one point everything went all black. I kinda came to and I was so confused. Two of them were kinda holding me down reaching in my pockets, and then 1 made me tell her my phone password. They took my phone and wallet which had 300 bucks inside. Then they just beat me again. Punches kicks, but I couldn’t block my face because they would have 1 girl hold my arm. They left after I stopped moving. I limped home and thankfully I wasn’t injured severely, just bumps and a black eye. I’m not a big guy which is why I guess they targeted me. But to have to tell someone you were knocked out and robbed by females is just to embarrassing for me.

#theft   #knockedout   #beaten   #girls   #robbed  

I hurt my sister by my words my actions. For few incident she blames me well I know I was thinking for her welfare only but still she thinks I m reason to cause her pain. I wish I did things in better way so she could understand my intention. I have temper issue and when anyone blame me and hurt my feelings I just start hurting them by my words. I wish I could be better sister and understood ans handle my relationship with her in better way. My biggest guilt is she thinks her life is miserable because of me. I hope one day she will be truely happy so I can be free from this guilt.


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