
Asylum Confessions

Read the best #asylum confession stories

I live in my own world. There are things I cannot and will not explain about how I life but I think some of you would say I am crazy and should immediately see a specialist or go straight in an asylum. I don't want to tell you in detail whats wrong with me but let me say this:
I confess to be in love with another species. Not a human being but something more wonderful.

#life   #asylum   #specialist   #crazy   #love  

Ok let's start. I really wanna hurt my ex-girlfriend, not just physically but emotionally and mentally. I want her to be sent into an asylum for being crazy and stuff.
She destroyed my life and now I wanna destroy hers... I hope she is going to read this and knows what's going to happen. I am not going to write it down because it would definitely be illegal.

#revenge   #illegal   #asylum   #crazy   #girlfriend   #confession  

Pray and roll the dice for #asylum

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