Read the best #age confession stories
Here's the deal. I'm in a loving, commited, fantastic relationship that I know will lead to marriage. We've been best friends for a couple of years and he's seen me through the best and worst times in my life. He also witnessed my emotional rollercoaster with my ex. This ex was a guy I dated on and off for about 3 almost 4 years. We never ended up in a commited relationship. It really only consisted of whenever I was in town, we'd hook up. There was a time I loved him, but knew he was just having his fun with me. He would tell me that after all he finished dating other people and I finished dating other people, that we'd get married. That he wanted me, more than anyone else. After going through this for almost 4 years, living off of the crumbs of attention he'd throw my way, I finally put an end to it and cut off communication. If the man really wanted me, he would have made sure no one else had me.
I’ve failed an escape challenge. I spent the night hogtied and gagged in my guest room while my friends had a girls night. I will be left this morning tied to a chair and gagged. I’ve been made to invite a friend over for lunch as well. I either have to escape or be found by her when she arrives.
A week before christmas I found a little package on the doorsteps. I thought it would be a nice little present from my boyfriend but after I got it inside I noticed that there was another name on top of it.
Someone must have mistaken my house with another one. I left the box on my kitchen table and went to work because I was already very late.
After a long and exhausting day I came home and I had totally forgotten about the package, I noticed the box lying on the ground and a strange smell. I found out that there was a little kitten in this box, she freed itself and peed all over my kitchen floor. Cute little thing but I had absolutely no time or money to afford a little cat.
I then decided to do something horrible.
At night, I took the kitty and put her in another box and left her on my neighbour's doorsteps. I thought they could care for her and give her a home she needed.
I haven't heard about it for around 2 weeks but then - SHOCK.
In the morning of new year I opened my front door and there it stood - a box.
You can imagine how shocked I was when I saw that the same kitty was inside of this package as two weeks ago. But to that time, she didn't look healthy at all. She was super skinny, she was almost unable to get up on her feet and she had some strange bleeding marks all over her body. I immediately took her to the vet but he couldn't do much. He told me she hadn't eaten in days, that she was hydrated and that she got burnt with something like a cigarette. He had to put her to sleep because there was nothing he could do.
#christmas #present #kitty #package #box #cat #pet #vet #confession
I became really close friends with my English and math teachers in high school. I even babysat for them. After graduation, they became really close friends of mine. We would drink and tell stories. After about a year of this, I learned that they are in an open marriage. And I also learned that this woman, kinda not pretty and over twice my age, wanted to fuck me. We were already faced and I went for it. Her husband was in the house. And he would occasionally walk through the room. After about an hour of sex he walked in and said break it up or else he would join. I cheated on my girl for some 38 yo cougar. I have dropped them as friends and refuse to talk to them.
I was 10 when this happened.....I was looking in my moms drawer and I had seen a massager. I picked it up ran upstairs and glanced at it for a while. I turned it on and put it all on my body then I stopped in my pants on my clit. I moaned softly and blushed.
I pushed it down a tiny bit further and it vibrated my pussy's lips it felt so good I had a small orgasam on it and then I asked my mom what this was and she said A Neck Massager ..
I said Oh and hurried upstairs in her room wiped all the orgasam off of it and put it back and unto this Day I still masturbate with her neck massager.
(I'm 17 BTW)
I jacked off to some underaged girls and feel completely awful about it. I do like legal women and plan to do that in the future. It all happened in discord. I felt so bad that it didnt matter anymore to who i did it with. I feel awful and disgusting. Am i unforgivable. Even if i live my life clean am i unforgivable.
I love being tied up so much that I pretend to be drinker than I am and start kissing my teenage nephew so that he and my sister will tie me up to stop me. I start telling for kisses until he gags me. Then I couldn't be happier.
I am 17f dating a 15f girl and my mother is threatening to kick me out of the house because my girlfriend is so young. I’m also in love with my 18f best friend. I don’t know what to do. We’ve been dating for a month now but I’ve liked my best friend for almost two years just never acted on it. What should I do??
#relationship #lesbian #underage #best #friend #bestfriend #help #needadvice #mother
So I’m 15, almost 16 and I just did something I’m pretty sure is illegal. I went on Omegle and decided to try the video chat option, because I never had before. I have large-ish boobs and wasn’t wearing a bra, just a t shirt. I get out on with this guy and start groping myself over the shirt. This guy gets a massive boner, so I panic and leave. Long story short I ended up on this call with a clearly 18+ British guy, who you could only describe as a dilf. I ended up naked except for my socks and was practically fisting myself as he jerked off, telling me how he wanted to bend me over his desk and pound my “tight little body” and wanted to make me take 2 cocks at once. He called himself daddy and called me his sweet slut and little whore. I sucked on my own tits and almost started moaning out loud. I’ve never done something like this before but it feels so good and I had the best orgasm of my life watching him cum. I can’t tell anyone I know, but I needed to confess.
#omegle #underage #daddy #kink #dilf #threesome #british #teen #sex
I was 25. It was my birthday. I'd been seeing my boyfriend for about a year. I didn't start out intending to have sex, but I must admit that I had thought about it. I had wanted him for a while, but I was raised to wait for marriage. Still, on this particular day my desire for him was especially strong.
My boyfriend said he had a very special birthday present for me, so we went to his house. There he carried out a well executed seduction. I was more than a bit reluctant, but I was in love with him, so eventually his gentle persistence won me over. He was kind, sweet, romantic, gentle, and persistent and respectful of my feelings and eventually my resistance fell away. I couldn't resist anymore.
He had mentioned to me a few times that he had an urge to make love to me, but that he respected my feelings enough not to pursue it. I had felt the urge too, but I had always managed not to succumb to it. Somehow, this day felt different, though I didn't realize why.
He started to make small, subtle advances and I barely noticed. Or maybe I didn't want to notice. The wet kisses passed unnoticed. He mentioned again that he had been thinking a lot about making love to me lately. Gradually, the advances got more direct and forward.
Somewhere along the line, I started to say no and it came out OK. That's when I knew it was time. I was surprised, but I knew I was ready, due to his persistence. So I gave in. I was scared, nervous, uncomfortable, but exhilarated, happy, excited, and curious. I actually found myself looking forward to it. I was overwhelmed by the sheer pleasure and the romantic moment.
I sent him out of the room, then I stripped my way up the stairs, leaving a boot at the foot of the stairs, another boot a couple of steps up, my dress a couple of steps after that, my pantyhose a step up from there, my bra at the top of the stairs, and my panties hanging on the doorknob of the bedroom.
I waited completely naked on the bed, wrapped in a sheet. He quickly stripped down to his undies and climbed on the bed next to me. I was tingling. After a little foreplay, I took his underpants off. Then we curled up and gave each other oral simultaneously. We did that for about half an hour.
Then I rolled over on my back and he went inside. We had intercourse for quite a long time. He was very good, and he told me he enjoyed it too. I had two or three orgasms and he came too. It was excellent! He was very good! It was passionate and romantic, about as good as a girl's first time can be.
Afterwards, I felt a mix of emotions: sadness, exhilaration, excitement, disappointment, deep romance, nervousness, peace, a bit of regret, but also happiness, satisfaction, and a myriad of other feelings. It was all something of a jumble.
It was a wonderful first experience, very romantic and tender. He was patient and he was very good. I felt like part of me had just died, but I also felt like I had staarted an exciting new adventure, one I would enjoy many times afterwards. What a great birthday present!
I am stuck in a sexless marriage and hate myself for it. I have had opportunity to cheat and offers from other women but turned them down because I'm in love with my wife. I contemplate divorce everyday but I stay for my kids. I hate myself for not having the strength to walk away.
#divorce #marriage #self #hate #resentment
Yesterday, someone parked in my driveway. My neighbours celebrated their marriage or something like that.
I was so pissed of that I put bird seed on the car, shortly afterwards, a dozen doves were sitting (and shitting) on the car, picking for the seed, making huge scratches in the car. It was great!
#parking #driveway #neighbours #celebration #marriage #bird #seed #revenge
I am 19 and female, I lost my virginity when I was 16 to my friends dad, we have been having sex ever since, even during lockdown we would meet up.
It feels wicked when fucks me but that turns me on a lot.
When my first dominatrix wife divorced me, I was devastated, and tried very hard to find a replacement.
I dated dozens of women, and discovered that my only hope lay in a much older woman, probably not great-looking.but hopefully VERY determined to take control of a younger male who would do almost anything for her. I found what I needed in the form of a prematurely retired psych nurse from the state asylum for the criminally insane, who finally admitted to me that she had resigned to avoid being fired, for vanishing a younger inmate deep into the bowels of the old, unused section of the asylum, where she could keep him strait-jacketed in a padded isolation cell, for what turned out to be years! She milked him twice a day, lengthily and mercilessly, concentrating on orgasm delay and denial, his screams unheard in the bowels of the old part of the building. I found this so exciting, I asked her to marry me on our first meeting, and told her she could indulge HER addiction freely, while enabling mine!
I have a trust fund, which she now controls, and she keeps me comfortably but inescapably in an ex-army bodybag, of olive-drab rubberized canvas, with two small zippered openings, at crotch and mouth, so she can have access to whatever end of me she wants. She is deliriously happy, and spends hours convincing me that I will never see the light of day again, but will spend the rest of my life pleasuring her, as she tortures me, even to the extent of cruelly rationing my air to mere survival level. I have learned exactly how she needs to be pleasured, and strive always to improve.
I am a sissy male and enjoy it immensely. I dream of finding a tall dark and handsome Man and he loves me for the sissy I am. He asks me to marry him and I say YES. I am his wife and lay curled up next to my Man every night playing with his Big Man Cock.. I m his wife and take care of him doing what I wife needs to do for her man. He treats me like the sissy cock slut I am and keeps me dressed like a whore. This is the life I want to live.
Sissy Boy C.
This goes back 30 years. I went to New York City in Manhattan for business. I was stressed and tired and a little buzzed and drunk. I went to an oriental massage parlor that was located in one of the lesser hotels that populated Times Square at that time. There was a cute Japanese girl giving me a massage, I was totally naked. She started rubbing my balls and cock and I got hard. She asked if I wanted a happy ending and I said yes, and gave her the required $20 extra. Then I asked her to get naked and gave her $40 more. She did it. I was fondling this skinny Japanese girl with horizontal pussy hair, and for being so thin, she had at least D cup tits with dark nipples. I tried to stick my finger in her pussy and she backed up very quickly. We started talking more, I offered her $ 150 if I could fuck her. She said no and eventually said she was a virgin. I questioned her because she was jacking guys off for a living. But she insisted. I told her I'd give her $ 100 to look at her hymen. To this day it's the only hymen I've ever seen. Then she wanted to go back to my happy ending. While she was jacking me we talked a lot, I was trying to convince her to go out with me. Finally I had a date for the next evening, and for $1000 right then I fucked her virgin cunt. To this day I have the white panties I used to wipe her blood and some of my cum off her pussy and ass cheeks. We went on the date and I fucked her again for free. Each time I came in her super tight pussy. That date night before we went out I got her to suck me off, then went on the date and could spend plenty of time when it came to her pussy fucking.
I went back 6 months later and went to get a massage. She was working the counter instead of the back. She stood up and was pregnant. I told her I guessed she'd let other clients do it to her for money. She said no, she'd only had sex twice between her legs, and once in her mouth.
I made her book me with a really young girl, fucked that girl and let her know about it before I left.
Never saw her again.
#virgin #oral #sex #prostitution #massage
I often contemplate divorce, I love my wife but I have not been happy for years and I keep convincing myself things will get better but I'm starting to get the the point where I dont care anymore.
I am currently looking for a new job and I've had some interviews in the last few weeks. I lied in my CV and said that I can speak Suaheli fluently. It is such a rare language that I am certain no one will find out that I am not able to speak it, but it looks pretty impressive on the application.
I confessed that when I was 15 I had sex with a 34 year old woman many times.
I enjoyed it so much I wanted sex with every female I met. My gf who was also 15 had a 10 yo cousin who was quite mature and had had 'the talk' with her mother.
One day we were mucking around at my gf's house in the pool and Miss 10 clamped on to me like a Koala and kissed me on the lips which was weird for a girl so young. Nobody else was home at that stage so I kissed her back.
She took my hand and placed it between her legs and told me to tickle her there which I willingly did. Because I'd been regularly having sex with a 34 yo, I knew what to do so I tickled her quite thoroughly but in the water it's difficult to get all the way.
When we got out, we went to her bedroom which was safer because we could hear people coming home and because we only wore bathers, we could get dressed quickly.
We kept playing 'tickles' but then she asked me if we could have "intercourse" which I needed to think about for less than a second. She was quite confident and knew about pregnancy etc. but told me it was okay because she hadn't started menstruating yet.
I never ever got to even properly kiss my gf but as she was my excuse to visit her house through the holidays and 'babysit' Miss 10 while my gf was working in a shop, I was delighted to help out.
We had sex probably 20 or 30 times over the remainder of that summer so it was strange that I was having sex with a 34yo woman on weekends sometimes and with a 10yo most week days. At 15 and 10, no laws were being broken but I'm quite sure you know what would have happened if we'd been caught.
Last year I met her at a resort and she indicated her 10yo youngest daughter playing outside. She looked at me quite intensely and asked if I still thought of her when she was 10. I still don't know what the intention of the question was but I deflected it and told her "we had a great summer didn't we?"
I am 30, single, male, and have been addicted to total-enclosure rubber bondage for fifteen years. Diagnosed as 'claustrophilic' and told not to worry, lots of people are! What I am looking for, oddly enough, is a long-term relationship with a true "controlling bitch" who would only let me out of my rubber enclosure, when she needed something outside the house, shopping, entertainment, dining, whatever. At home, I have a heavy latex full-enclosure suit, with a built in gas-mask/goggles which enables me to do any and all housework, and participate in most sex activities. For punishment, there is a strong full-length rubber-lined bag, which can be tied at neck, waist, knees, and under the feet. It has two appropriately placed small zippers, enabling use of either end of me, at will. When the air-tight nylon zipper across my mouth is sealed shut, I have only two small holes right over my nostrils, just enough air as long as I don't waste it trying to speak! This way extreme cbt, and orgasm-denial/delay torture is simple and effective. I could promise any woman intelligent enough to take full advantage of me this way, a life of relative luxury and financial security, and as much sex as she could ever want or need. My only precondition is an iron will and determination to exploit me limitlessly. Appearance, weight, age, race, are all unimportant. Just have a cruel streak a yard wide!
#sex #confession #fetish #bondage
Confessions by